The GOP Needs to Get Its House in Order

May be an image of one or more people, people standing and text that says 'Thank You, Lord JESUS, PRES PRESIDENT TRUMP TRUMG © Getty Images North America'

The ancients had much to say about hypocrisy and willful blindness in respect to problems.  The prophet Isaiah admonished King Hezekiah on his deathbed (2Kings 20:1, NIV), “Put your house in order, because you are going to die; you will not recover.”  And then there is this famous line against pretense from Luke’s gospel (6:42, NIV):

“How can you say to your brother, ‘Brother, let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when you yourself fail to see the plank in your own eye? You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.”

The Left – meaning today’s progressives and liberals – is nearly beyond redemption, philosophically and in many cases behaviorally.  Its neo-Marxist collectivism is a national suicide pact. But a sizeable element of the Right is similarly proving itself unworthy.  It is immersed in a performative style of politics, a politics as therapy – “Stick it to the libs, I feel better” – that lacks direction other than the desire to humiliate the other side in staged mini-dramas.  They may get an emotional rush from the rhetoric and theatrical antics but it is repulsive to large swaths of the nation’s electorate.  Principally for this reason, the last three election cycles have proven to be disappointments for those of a more conservative disposition.

Call it the Trump contagion.  It entered the GOP’s bloodstream in 2015 and is proving resistant to cure.  Trump still conjures a 43% plurality, 15 points better than second-place DeSantis, among Republican voters in the latest Fox News poll (see below).  43% are hungry for a four-peat of disappointment – to add to 2018, 2020, and 2022.  Einstein’s famous insanity formulation keeps coming to mind.  This large faction of Republicans remains oblivious to the fact that a candidate that survives them may not, and increasingly will not, survive the general electorate if the party’s base continues to choose candidates based on theatrics and their longings for an emotional release in their politics.  The hardheaded on the Right need to understand one inescapable fact: first, as a party, to accomplish anything, you’ve got to win . . . the general!  The stalwarts might celebrate victory in the intraparty feud in spring but after the dust settles in November, the donkey-party Left will still be making policy in the seats of power.

The contagion has overtaken the official GOP apparatus in some red/purple states.  The effect of the takeover is turning some purple states blue.  In places where it is deeply embedded, the infected exhibit the tendencies of those immersed in the blue bubbles, only this time, in a red one.  Secure in the cloister of others like them, they are awkward when forced to confront people who disagree and promptly jump to condemnation.  It’s true for both silos.  Remember Obama’s “bitter clingers”, Hillary’s “deplorables”, and ritual abuse of the word “establishment” and “elites” by Fox News’s primetime “populists”, and Trump’s litany of juvenile insults?

Professor Alberto Coll of DePaul University School of Law, and an astute critic of today’s defunct civic education, is concerned about the decline of the republican civic virtues of prudence, deliberation, and moderation (see below).  They are most fundamentally missing from K-12 and have been drummed out of higher ed, increasingly replaced by habitual Marxist oppressor-shaming.  It’s an ideology more at home as a bankrupt theology with its unexaminable assumptions and heaven-on-earth end state.  Not surprisingly, they behave much like jihadis with their statue-toppling, silencings on campuses, itinerant mobs, and the forcible injection of their ideology into all facets of the culture.

The Left’s inhumanity has elicited an analogous reaction on the Right.  Gone is any semblance of prudence.  Prudence dictates the recognition of complexities, consequences, and trade-offs.  Instead, everything seems so simple in a constant branding of everyone as either evil (them) or good (us).

The Left’s infantilism shows as an attempt to facetiously adduce cause from correlation: socio-economic stats are unequal among identity groups therefore bigotry is at fault, or so they assume.  If they can’t find sufficient numbers of bigots, they’ll make it airily “systemic”, which leads them right into the strawman fallacy.  It’s ludicrous.

The Right sometimes stumbles into the “systemic” quicksand.  They have a vocabulary of vague pejoratives to feed their obsessions such as the aforementioned “establishment” and “elites”.  Anyone who has been around too long in the public arena is automatically suspect by that logic, especially if previously identified as one by the movement’s carnival barkers (Hello, primetime Fox News.).  The terms encourage an instant distrust of credentials so academics, scholars, people in the professions, political figures, and leaders in business and civil society that disagree with them are summarily rejected.  It’s another form of bigotry, something familiar to Antifa and Biden, Schumer, Pelosi, and The Squad in their usual hivemind.

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Deliberation goes the way of prudence.  Adults don’t display it. It begins with listening which is clearly absent from the halls of Congress.  Have you seen the expansive number of empty seats on C-SPAN during speeches on the House and Senate floors?  People talk past each other in party-approved talking points.  The kids don’t see it modeled by adults in their media, or in their schools’ curriculums that refuse to establish a good grounding in language, the best of Western literature (Bible, Shakespeare), history, philosophy, and logic. They’ve been turned into vehicles for the voguish neo-Marxist orthodoxy.

I must admit that it’s hard on deliberation when one party – the Democrats – is committed to a revolution as complete as anything begun in 1917 Petrograd (see below about Antonio Gramsci).

As for moderation, what do you think after prudence and deliberation have been kicked to the wayside?  The socialism of AOC becomes mainstream Democrat, and the kookery of the Marjorie Taylor Greene/Gaetz/Boebert/Trump clique seizes the reins of a Republican House caucus with the narrowest of majorities.  43% of the Republican base and the nearly entire elected Democratic Party, and maybe three-quarters of the Dem base, stand athwart each other separated with firehoses spewing rhetorical slime.

Since 57% of the Republican base retains some attachment to reality, the country’s hopes for a functioning republic reside with them.  A pushback may have begun with Georgia’s Governor Brian Kemp.  He courageously stood against the Georgia state GOP that backed his opponent in the primary and went on to thump the Trump-backed shill in the primary and the odious Stacey Abrams in the general by 7.5 points.  The victory means that the guy has street cred.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp makes remarks during a visit to Adventure Outdoors gun shop in Smyrna, Ga., January 5, 2022. (photo: Alyssa Pointer/Reuters)

He warned big donors in the Georgians First Leadership Committee at a recent luncheon, “. . . we can no longer rely on the traditional party infrastructure to win in the future.”  “Infrastructure” is a $10 word for a Trump-crazed state central committee.  The state party’s chairman, David Shafer, was so humiliated by the defeat of the committee/Trump-endorsed choices up and down the ballot in the party’s primary that he’s given up pursuing another term.  The state committee’s stance was stupid on steroids.  Shafer and his endorsements may be simpatico with Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene but not to a huge majority of registered Republicans, let alone the general electorate.  Successful politics is about addition, and not subtraction and performance-art politics. It means that the public wants good and safe schools, the potholes to be filled, crime to be defeated, and the sewers and garbage collection to function as billed.  “Owning the libs” won’t suffice.

The same is true for the Trump fanatics officially running the GOP in states like Arizona.  The writer Dan McLaughlin put it succinctly when he wrote, “It’s time to take the party back from the party.” Kemp is doing his part (see below).

The fallout from the 2022 elections is a siren-call warning to the GOP.  Of course, the country appears evenly divided when one of the parties weakens its standing with choices lathered in the general odium of Trump and sloganeering psychodramas.  The Democrats’ problem is the neo-Marxist Democratic Party and a hash that they’ve made of parts of the country under their control.  The Republicans have the Trump millstone around their neck. Given that dynamic, of course we have parity . . . of foolishness.

A few examples illustrate the reflexive Republican foot-shooting that makes it easier on the neo-Marxist Democrats thereby levelling the playing field in a country overwhelmingly not fond of the hammer and sickle.  In one heavily Republican Ohio congressional district, the Trump-endorsed/Q-Anon-dabbling J. R. Majewski lost in the general.  Moving over to a Michigan House race, Joe Gibbs beat incumbent Peter Meijir in a Republican primary campaign wallowing on Meijir’s vote to impeach Trump, only to lose in the general by double digits.  In Washington State, the Republican incumbent Jaime Herrera Beutler narrowly lost to Joe Kent in the primary with her vote to impeach Trump a key factor.  Kent, saddled with ties to white nationalists and other elements of the unhinged right, and fully immersed in the hyperbolic language of the Trump caucus, lost in the general.  No wonder that the expected red wave turned into scattered rain drops.

Republicans, if you don’t like rule by a commissariat, field better candidates with an eye to winning elections.  Try that.  Dah!  Send Trump packing, and for his cadre of groupies, grow up and follow Mick Jagger’s advice: “You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes, you might find, you get what you need.”

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Read more here:

* “Young Americans Are Increasingly Ungrateful. Here’s What to Do about It”, Alberto Coll, National Review Online, 2/26/23, at

* “Fox News Poll: Trump, DeSantis top 2024 Republican preference”, Dana Blanton, Fox News, 2/26/23, at

* “Brian Kemp: Time for the Georgia GOP to Leave the Georgia GOP”, Dan McLaughlin, National Review Online, 2/23/23, at

* “Kemp moves to take command of GOP, leaving state party behind”, Greg Bluestein, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, 2/23/23, at

* An excellent summary of the influence of the Italian communist Antonio Gramsci of the 1920’s and 30’s on today’s neo-Marxism in the Democratic Party and the commanding heights of the culture can be read here: “The Long March Back”, Nate Hochman, National Review Online, 2/16/23, at

Zealotry and Incomprehensibility on the Right

Trump walkout of Dem infrastructure meeting seemed 'planned,' Mollie Hemingway says | Fox News
Molly Hemingway and Donald Trump

In the writings of the Jewish historian Josephus of the first century AD, zealots were the fourth and final of the Jewish religious sects in the Roman province of Palestine of his time.  Today, we know the word to mean firebrands.  They are understood to be absolutely committed, blinded to alternative knowledge, and can be monomaniacal to such an extent that the restraints of compassion and reason are stunted.

Million MAGA March, Trump rally today: Thousands rally in DC; updates
Thousands of Trump supporters at a November 2020 Trump rally shortly after Trump’s loss in the 2020 election. (photo: USA Today)

Firebrands are frequently blinkered and susceptible to committing atrocities and stumbling into big blunders.  A class of fanatic, newly enthused by the late 19th century’s initial and facile discoveries in the science of heredity, appeared as devotees of eugenics: breed a better human as you would a hunting dog.  Enthusiasts were everywhere in the period from the US Supreme Court (Oliver Wendell Holmes, “Three generations of imbeciles are enough”, Buck v. Bell, 1927) to Germany’s National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazis) of the 1920’s and 30’s (see below).

In 1940, the fate of the wife of the journalist and writer Joseph Roth, Friedl Reichler, would be swallowed in the mania for the pseudoscience.  Suffering from schizophrenia, she was institutionalized, and there she was in an asylum waiting to be rounded up in the Nazi euthanasia campaign of that year.  She and fellow patients were gathered, transported to a camp, stripped naked, and marched into a gas chamber.

Aktion T4, The Nazi Program That Slaughtered 300,000 Disabled People
Boys with Down Syndrome at Dachau who were to be euthanized (l); the graves of the victims of the Aktion T4 euthanasia campaign outside the Hadamar Institute, one of the killing centers.

What makes a person an active participant in abject brutality?  Mark Twain may have gotten it right when he wrote:

“It ain’t what you don’t know that gets you into trouble. It’s what you know for sure that just ain’t so.”

In my mind, it’s incomprehensible, but incomprehensibility is a common feature of our politics.  A version has settled on the outskirts of the right in this moment.  It has infected even normally sensible people.  I admired Victor Davis Hanson until he exhibited signs of the disability.  Since the case for the support of Ukraine is so strong, I’ve often wondered why he is a Ukraine skeptic till I listened to his podcast interview with Iddo Netanyahu, the brother of the Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu (see below).  Hanson and Iddo are simpatico on Ukraine.

Iddo and Hanson believe the war is unwinnable for Ukraine.  So, they’re eager to advise cutting a deal.  What kind of deal?  They don’t say, nor how to get there without Putin’s concurrence.  While they both reach the same conclusion, they probably unknowingly arrive at it from different angles.  Iddo is an Israeli patriot with Israel’s precarious national security concerns in a very dangerous neighborhood at the forefront of his mind.  Understandable.  I would like to think that Hanson is an American patriot with an equal understanding of our unique responsibilities and interests as a global superpower.  Last I checked, Israel isn’t part of NATO; we are, and should be.  The interests of a superpower and a nation facing local existential threats often diverge because the circumstances of the two nations are so different.  Hanson shows no sign of recognizing the distinction.

Israeli attack on Syria suffering from earthquake devastation: fired ...
Israeli airstrike in Damascus, Syria, February 2023
Russians building army base at Syria's Palmyra site
Russian base outside Palmyra, Syria

The Russians in Syria to prop up Assad illustrate our divergent interests.  Israel needs Russian acquiescence to strike Hezbollah targets in the country.  Iddo’s desire not to say anything to threaten the delicate relationship would make him circumspect on Ukraine.  The US isn’t shackled by the need to cater to Putin’s sensibilities and whims.  In fact, we didn’t worry about it when a large force of Russian mercenaries and Syrian fighters assaulted a small American post in northern Syria in 2018 resulting in 200 Wagner Group Russians dead from American firepower.  A superpower must behave differently from a regional power.

American special forces in Manbij, Syria, near the border with Turkey, this month.
American special forces in Manbij, Syria, near the border with Turkey, February 2018. (photo: Mauricio Lima, The New York Times)

By circumstance, our stance on Ukraine needs to be different from Israel’s.  Hanson doesn’t get it, and neither does some of the other unhinged elements on the right. Hugh Hewitt got a full blast of the fringe-right’s kookiness during his radio talk show earlier this week (see below).  He may have filtered callers to concentrate on critics of his pro-Ukraine position.  Many sounded awfully similar to Rush Limbaugh’s seminar callers, but from the right.  Rush noticed that they would lie about their affiliations and rigidly recite from a uniform set of talking points.  Hewitt’s callers were monotonous with some variation of the same bullet points in opposition to support for Ukraine: (1) we’re ignoring our problems; (2) we should be spending the money on ourselves; (3) we’re depleting our stock of munitions and weaponry; (4) we can’t afford it; (5) Biden is a bad man; (6) the war is made endless with our involvement; (7) we have no interest there; and (8) the Russians have nukes so we ought to be afraid.

One person or group doesn’t have to be orchestrating the callers.  More feasibly, the monotony shows a slavish devotion to a narrow cast of sources.  Suspect influencers include the self-styled “populists” on Fox News primetime, the Gaetz/Boebert/MTG wing of the Republican caucus, and a selected chorus of online sources feeding their biases.

Fox's Tucker Carlson Questions Sending Aid to Ukraine

Among the guiding lights on the right is Molly Hemingway, a guest on the same Hewitt episode and exhibiting no more coherence than the callers.  Stock Hemingway complaints were our prolonging of the war (another WWI) and the exhaustion of our stockpile of weapons and munitions.  Neither holds water.  A hamstrung military industrial supply chain is a call to unshackle it, not an excuse to leave Ukraine dangling.  Increasing our industrial capacity is something we have to do anyway if we are to follow Molly’s advice to take on the CCP.

Her fear of another WWI is actually a call for the appeasement of Putin since our only real leverage is with Ukraine.  We can force them to the bargaining table because they are dependent on us.  The idiosyncrasies of the Kremlin’s rule and the marketability of Putin’s fossil fuels diminish our clout on the boss.  Besides, sanctions and near-uniform international condemnation did nothing to dissuade the invasion or prevent his inhuman conduct of the war.

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Victims of Russian atrocities in body bags in Bucha, Ukraine, 2022

The loopy right is guilelessly borrowing the Left’s playbook from the Vietnam War era.  At the time, peace, peace, peace, negotiate, negotiate, negotiate was the drumbeat without much thought of a balanced settlement or how to get there.  Really, the Peace Movement just wanted us out of South Vietnam which left the South Vietnamese in the same situation as the shortsighted right would leave Ukraine.  War-game it.  Its practical effect is appeasement.  When will we finally show signs of learning that the actual consequence of appeasing aggressive dictators is a shattering of deterrence for other blustery assailants on the world’s stage?  The world becoming the equivalent of South Chicago will only increase Prozac sales.

All the other arguments are equally specious.  We can’t afford something that is less than a rounding error in the bloating federal debt?  We could spend it on ourselves, but on what, and with what effect?  More money for the folks that gave us the War on Poverty and our inner-city war zones?  Yes, we could spend it on other things, maybe even efficaciously, rather than give the Ukrainians the wherewithal to resist on the front lines in the battle against the Axis of Evil so we won’t have to in Poland or the Fulda Gap.

You know, we could do both – help distressed Americans and Ukraine – by actually showing some guts in reforming our bankrupting entitlements.  Don’t talk of selective spending restraint while avoiding the big elephant in the room – entitlements!  The talk is risible.

The Ukraine skeptics often complain of the lack of an “end game” in Ukraine.  Really?  Do they have one in their gung-ho pivot to confront the CCP?  If it is to stop and corral the CCP, why wouldn’t that be good enough in regard to Putin?  Putin being forced to withdraw from the Ukraine, with Putin in caged retirement at some dacha as icing on the cake, are indeed pleasant thoughts.

The incoherence is astounding, about as muddled as the thinking of the peaceniks in the revolving door between the 1960’s Anti-War and 1980’s Nuclear Freeze Movements.  Move over Jerry Rubin, Abbie Hoffman, Tom Hayden, and David Dellinger (of the National Mobilization Committee to End the War in Vietnam), Trump barges in and co-opts the rhetoric.  Trump has his nose in the air, like any demagogue, and gets a whiff of anti-Ukraine fever on the right as anti-South Vietnam dementia was all over the New Left of the 1960’s.  “Warmongers” and “teetering on the brink of World War Three” could have just as easily dripped from the mouth of Abbie Hoffman in one of his rants on the Berkely campus as it did Trump on Tuesday (February 21, see below).

Abbie Hoffman
Abbie Hoffman
Protestors demanding to end the war on Vietnam
Sixties anti-war protest

Trump tries to not completely turn off his audience on the right by magically trying to square his circle of bombast.  Out of the other side of his mouth he blurts “peace through strength”, not explaining how “strength” is not the language of a “warmonger”.  He leaves us with the hollow “right kind of leadership” – meaning his – to lather over the discrepancy.  His silver tongue will magically transform Putin into a monk.  He, the Great Trump, will talk Putin into niceness.  Doesn’t this sound a bit delusional?

Even more flummoxing to a sane person is an honest accounting of Trump’s past, which shows him to be a “warmonger” yesterday as he condemns the “warmonger” of today, all the while trumpeting the warmonger’s “peace through strength” line.  Got that?  It’s rhetorical hash to stake out an identity among an element of the party blinded by fury.  To be blunt, the gambit is Trump’s usual performance art as politics.

The caterwauling will only embolden Putin and cut Ukraine off at the knees.  Don’t ever complain about Biden’s Afghanistan debacle when you are prepared to create one in Ukraine.

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Read more here:

* Nazi euthanasia campaign: “Aktion T4, The Nazi Program That Slaughtered 300,000 Disabled People”, Richard Stockton, ATI, 6/3/2021, at

* Victor Davis Hanson’s interview with Iddo Netanyahu:

* The unhinged right was on abundant display in High Hewitt’s show on Tuesday (2/21):

* Donald’s latest video comment on Ukraine from 2/21/23: “Trump: In My Next Term, The Warmongers, Failures, And Frauds In Our National Security Establishment Will Be Gone”, Tim Haines, Real Clear Politics, 2/21/23, at

Sanctimonious Me, Me, Me

Chelsea Handler poses with sandwiches, after denying CBS gig rumours | Daily Mail Online
Chelsea Handler

Chelsea Handler came to mind, curiously, as I viewed Sheila E’s “The Glamorous Life” (1984) music video (below).  Handler patronized herself in a recent Twitter video, “Day in the Life of a Childless Woman” (below).  At least she knows herself to be a woman, something Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Jackson couldn’t – or wouldn’t – define.  Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R, Tenn.) asked Jackson at her confirmation hearing, “Can you provide a definition for the word woman?”  Jackson replied, “Can I provide a definition?  No.  I can’t.”  Then added, “Not in this context, I’m not a biologist [see below].”  Apparently, it’s not enough for Jackson to check herself while bathing.  She needs somebody with a certificate to tell her.  Bizarre.

Chelsea Handler’s “Day in the Life of a Childless Woman”:

Sheila E’s “The Glamorous Life”:

Childlessness is not inherently either a virtue or failing.  For some, it’s a matter of physical impairment or emotional comportment.  For most, today, it’s a choice.  Yet, simple common sense would demand the overriding importance of having another generation.  The legacy of a civilization dies without youngins.  Somebody must be having babies or else we’re stuck with collapsing entitlements and the soaring needs of the mounting aged as they descend into senility.  Thank God somebody has made the sacrifice to provide the people who’ll change the bedpans for the doddering Chelsea Handler, childless, wrinkled, and alone.

Handler’s little clip includes the freedom to text a “hot guy” from some online dating app, “Wanna f%#*?”  She’s free, but is she happy?  Isn’t this behavior a bit dangerous?  I’m reminded of the 1977 film, “Looking for Mr. Goodbar”, of a young woman who descends into the bar, casual hookup, and drug scene of the late 1970’s.  It doesn’t end well for her: she’s murdered in her last hookup.  The movie isn’t for the faint of heart.

Just Screenshots: Looking for Mr. Goodbar (1977)

And neither is Handler’s libertine jeremiad on Twitter.  The thing that’s missing from her Twitter romp is love – not the platonic or sexual gratification kind, but the deeper intimacy that frequently leads to marriage and children.  Prince, who composed “The Glamorous Life”, a man known for his own licentiousness, nonetheless contains the chorus:

“She wants to lead the glamorous life
But without love, it ain’t much”

If you understand the lyrics, the Chelsea lifestyle is “without love, [but] it ain’t much”.  Love requires commitment, and no better commitment than marriage and the raising of children.  On that score, Prince is right: without love, it ain’t much.

Check out the Handler Twitter clip, research “Looking for Mr. Goodbar”, and watch Sheila E’s “The Glamorous Life” music video and reference the lyrics as you do.  How’s that for some cultural homework?

Here’s the full lyrics to “The Glamorous Life”:

She wears a long fur coat of mink
Even in the summer time
Everybody knows from the coy little wink
The girl’s got a lot on her mind
She’s got big thoughts, big dreams
And a big brown Mercedes sedan
What I think this girl
She really wants is to be in love with a man
She wants to lead the glamorous life
She don’t need a man’s touch
She wants to lead the glamorous life
But without love, it ain’t much

She saw him standing in the section marked
If you have to ask you can’t afford it lingerie
She threw him bread and said make me scream
In the dark what could he say
Boys with small talk and small minds
Really don’t impress me in bed
She said I need a man’s man baby
Diamonds and furs
Love would only conquer my head
She wants to lead the glamorous life
She don’t need a man’s touch
She wants to lead the glamorous life
Without love, it ain’t much

They made haste in the brown sedan
They drove to 55 Secret street
They made love by the seventh wave
She knew she had a problem
She thought real love is real scary
Money only pays the rent
Love is forever that’s all your life
Love is heaven sent, it’s glamorous
Lead the glamorous life
She don’t need a man’s touch
She wants to lead the glamorous life
Without love it ain’t much

She wants to lead the glamorous life
She don’t need a man’s touch
She wants to lead the glamorous life
Without love it ain’t much, it ain’t much
Lead the glamorous life
She don’t need a man’s touch
She wants to lead the glamorous life
Without love it ain’t much, it ain’t much

She wants to lead the glamorous life
She don’t need a man’s touch
She wants to lead the glamorous life
Without love it ain’t much, it ain’t much
Lead the glamorous life
She don’t need a man’s touch
She wants to lead the glamorous life
Without love it ain’t much, it ain’t much
Woo-ooh oo-ooh

She wants to lead the glamorous life
She don’t need a man’s touch
She wants to lead the glamorous life
Without love it ain’t much, it ain’t much
Oooh oo-ooh ohhh

(Songwriter: Prince Rogers Nelson)
(From: Musixmatch)


Read more here:

* Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Jackson’s strange inability, or unwillingness, to define a woman can be found here: “Biden Supreme Court pick says she can’t define what a ‘woman’ is when asked at confirmation hearings”, 3/23/2022, at

The Sudden Crusade Against Disinformation; Drought; and the Inner Totalitarian

Lake Mead near the Hoover dam, seen from the Arizona side of the dam near Boulder City, Nev., July 19, 2022. (photo: David Becker/Reuters)
David Mikkelson, founder of Snopes, the site that tracks fakery on the web.  He’s in his home office in a nearly 100-year old home in Tacoma. (Greg Gilbert / The Seattle Times, 2018)
David Mikkelson, founder of Snopes, the site that tracks fakery on the web. He’s in his home office in a nearly 100-year old home in Tacoma, Wa. (photo: Greg Gilbert / The Seattle Times, 2018)

Why the sudden crusade against “disinformation”?  Is our time plagued by a singular onrush of lying and deceit?  Really?  According to today’s referees of language – who themselves could be mired in modern cultural/political manias – disinformation is “false information that is spread deliberately and often covertly to influence public opinion or obscure the truth” (Merriam-Webster).  Slanting the truth or even outright falsehoods has been the stuff of “How to Win Friends and Influence People” (a little Dale Carnegie lingo) since people discovered other people.  Moses’s biblical admonition against “bearing false witness” covers the topic quite nicely.

For years, some people insisted that taxing the rich at towering rates leads to more revenue, as if people blindly and willingly, like lemmings, lay themselves prostrate before the IRS.  Does the British “brain drain” from high-tax Britain to elsewhere in the Anglosphere of the 1950’s to 1970’s remind you of anything?  Tax havens in the Bahamas?  For years, even today, some continue to persist in the belief that socialism leads to prosperity despite its long record of failure.  Eugenics, at one time, was all the craze even as it treated people as if they were draft animals.  I could go on.  So, where’s the sudden crisis in bad information?  Dis- and its cousin misinformation have been around as long as humans had the capacity for speech.  Now the Southwest is in the midst of a harrowing drought.  Watch the “disinformation” smears muddy the waters in how to deal with it.



Honestly, cut to the chase, this jihad against “disinformation” is actually a massive censorship campaign.  By what standard are the Cassandras of disinformation labeling some opinions or factual claims fraudulent?  As it turns out, these arbiters of truth are partisans who rely on partisans.  It’s mental gunk relying on mental gunk to produce more mental gunk in order to control what people say.  GIGO – garbage in, garbage out.

GIGO case in point: Valerie Wirtschafter of Brookings and her piece, “Audible reckoning: How top political podcasters spread unsubstantiated and false claims” (see below), where she proclaims that the podcast world is too free, with much too much “disinformation”.  Where’s she been?  The advertising industry would never have been around to launch so many successful Madison Avenue careers without exaggerations and falsehoods.  Coke and Pepsi lambasted each other for years with disinformation.  Watch any Superbowl’s commercial breaks for your daily diet of disinformation.  Joe McCarthy (Sen, Wisc., 1950’s) and the Socialist International would be minor footnotes in history without mis- and disinformation.  It’s been the motivation for wars and invasions and the rhetorical bedrock for politicians in their climb up the greasy pole . . . forever.  And, all of a sudden, “Dr.” Wirtschafter discovered it’s a problem.

Summer Institute in Computational Social Science
Valerie Wirtschafter

Come on, these are biased people who don’t like what other people have to say.  People like Wirtschafter hide behind the aura of other people’s credentials, their government positions, or undeserved media respectability to engineer a “study” to silence still others.  To her, the government is always right, and so are the scribblers and mouths that populate the Big Media newsrooms, anyone mentally messaged in endless lecture halls like hers all the way to her “PhD”, and the millennials and Gen-Z’ers filling the cubicles of Snopes and PolitiFact.

Snopes and PolitiFact have been scandalous in their interventions in our political brawls.  If it was up to them, we’d never know that there is a strong possibility that COVID-19 came out of a Communist Chinese lab.  We’d continue to shutter the schools not knowing that children face a near non-existent threat while ignoring the long-term damage to their emotional and mental development.  We’d still be suffocating behind masks, not knowing that masking has little effect in stopping the spread of a respiratory virus.  We’d never know that the vaccines don’t stop the spread of the bug or that natural immunity is just as good (see below).  Much that we now know to be true about the pandemic would have been strangled in the crib.


Thanks to the people whom Wirtschafter trusts, businesses would still be closed and a couple of adult generations would continue to be nurtured on the idea that they shouldn’t have to go to work.  Snopes and PolitiFact would paste as “true” any mention of the low unemployment rate, leaving a below-average labor participation rate lying on the cutting room floor.  The low unemployment rate talk is empty absent any discussion of the emaciated labor pool from which the number is calculated.  The high portion of employed (and conversely the low number unemployed, hence the low unemployment rate) is drawn from a worker pool that shrunk after the federal government started bribing a good portion of current and potential worker force out of the labor pool with extended pandemic benefits.  The money spigot wasn’t shut off till the damage was done.  Often referred to as the Great Resignation, quiet quitting, and I Quit Movement, Gen-Z’ers and others have discovered that living in Dad’s basement and receiving a government check (er, debit card) ain’t so bad (see below).  Bringing it up might incur the wrath of the self-deputized disinformation bounty hunters.

Should we pay for pajama boy’s college?

Partisan-laced industries abound in this age of institutionalized political correctness.  Stifling voices is the name of the game in the anti-disinformation industry.  Though, how can we see our way clearly on existential threats such as the drought in the Southwest when discussion is monitored by the disinformation police?  Having long experience with the lefty tendencies of the classroom and faculty lounge, the kinds of people admired by Wirtschafter, there exists among this group a psychomotor tick for totalitarian lifestyle control.  That’s the reason for the affection for the buzzword “conservation” and the knee-jerk suspicion about individual freedom.  Any talk of increasing the general water supply so people can be free in their daily lives will be met with a smirk.

Let me send Wirtschafter, Snopes and PolitiFact into a tizzy by mentioning a piece by Ed Ring of the California Policy Center, “How California Can Solve the Colorado Water Deficit” (see below).  He lays out the practical possibility that more than conservation is necessary to stave off disaster for states like California: the supply of water has to be increased.  But don’t bring that up at the next Sierra Club confab or among the chattering classes attending a Wirtschafter soiree.

Ring points out a number of options to increase supply, even while taking into account the climate-change bugaboo.  Climate change doesn’t mean that California will be the newest Sahara Desert in a century.  Precipitation will still fluctuate in a wet season and over time and present opportunities to expand supply.  One is the installation of French drains underneath the subsurface gravel beds of the San Joaquin/Sacramento Delta’s natural channels.  It would capture a portion of the excess flows (flood waters) that flush into SF Bay.  The water could then be stored in off-stream reservoirs and delivered to users and/or utilized to recharge the depleted aquifers of California’s Great Central Valley.  French drains, think about it.

Expanding and upgrading wastewater reclamation could be an additional route to take.  Even if only for non-potable uses such as landscaping or ag irrigation, it would free large quantities of potable sources for human consumption.  Of course, that would require budgetary restraint in not wasting money on zany efforts to kill off the next generation in unbridled and subsidized abortions, or turn the state into a parent-free sanctuary for teen sexual mutilation (transgenderism), or find new ways to ladle cash to new and old “oppressed” classes, or drive businesses out of the state in hyper-regulation and -taxation, or sink more public and private money into the thankless task of making unsustainable “sustainable” energy “sustainable”.  Keep it simple: just try to maintain water pressure at the faucet.

Desalination is another option if the state can keep its militant eco-utopians and NIMBY’s at bay.  It’s expensive, like any of the other options, but, honestly, can you think of a wiser use of taxpayer moneys than the provision of something so important that three days without it brings death?  However, I suspect that the inner totalitarian of the conservation-only legion has too great a grip on the minds in Sacramento.  These busybodies are just too obsessed with telling other people how to live, and conservation fits the bill.  Yep, the inner totalitarian has a grip on power in the state.

Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant protests organized by Abalone Alliance Demonstrators blockade and police arrest at the front gate Photos dated 9/-/1981
1981 Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant protests in California organized by Abalone Alliance Demonstrators blockade and police arrest at the front gate. (Photo: Steve Ringman/The Chronicle)

California has an aged 20-million-person water delivery system in a 39-million-person state.  Granted, people are leaving so, who knows, maybe its population will eventually come to match its outdated supply.  Still, if opportunities aren’t grasped, it’ll be a bumpy ride of brown lawns, metered restrictions and fines, and more of the Great Central Valley resembling the Sudan.  Droughts should be anticipated in dry-summer climates but California would rather play the role of woke crusader.  With the disinformation inquisition in full swing, you’ll never know that the anguish could have been avoided.



Read more here:

* “Audible reckoning: How top political podcasters spread unsubstantiated and false claims”, Dr. Valerie Wirtschafter, Brookings Institute, 2/2023, at

* A critique of the Wirtschafter study can be found here: “The ‘Disinformation Industry’ Is Only One Part of a Larger Scandal”, Jeffrey Blehar, National Review Online, 2/23/2023, at

* Dr. Fauci admits to limited effectiveness of the vaccine in stopping the spread of respiratory viruses: “Fauci Changes His Public Tune on Covid Vaccines”, Joel Zinberg, director of Paragon Health Institute’s Public Health and American Well-being Initiative, National Review Online, 2/16/23, at

* Excellent piece on unemployment and the labor participation rate: “Unemployment Is Low, But So Is The Labor Force Participation Rate — What’s Going On In The U.S. Labor Market?”,, Forbes, 1/23/23, at—whats-going-on-in-the-us-labor-market/?sh=5ad8aff1244e

* “Inside the rise of ‘antiwork,’ a worker’s strike that wants to turn the labor shortage into a new American Dream”, Juliana Kaplan and Andy Kiersz, Insider, 11/25/21, at,and%20what%20it%20means%20about%20the%20American%20Dream.

* “How California Can Solve the Colorado Water Deficit”, Ed Ring, California Policy Center, in National Review Online, 2/13/2023, at

The California Housing Crisis: The Intersectionality of Hypocrisy and Central Planning

A professional basketball player in a jersey that says Golden State Warriors.
Golden State Warriors guard Steph Curry, in an April 21, 2022, game in Denver, has voiced his opposition to townhomes near his San Francisco Bay Area mansion. (David Zalubowski / Associated Press)

Have you heard this?  Steph Curry of the NBA’s Golden State Warriors doesn’t want a 1.5 acre, 16-unit “affordable” townhouse development near his $30 million mansion in the exclusive Bay Area community of Atherton (see below).  It’s too easy to expose the obvious hypocrisy given the guy’s outspoken progressive views.  Rich people of lefty inclinations seem to run away from their lefty beliefs as soon as the consequences get too close.  But Curry has legitimate concerns of safety and privacy for a celebrity like himself and his family.  The bigger issue, though, isn’t affordable housing in a state woefully deficient of it.  It’s the central planning that inherently comes with lefty/progressive thinking of the type running the show in California.

It’s borrowed from Stalin, a fellow lefty.  He abandoned his orthodox seminary as a young man and radicalized himself into an atheist revolutionary.  Off went the priestly frock and traditional beliefs and on came the drive to build the utopia on totalitarianism in league with a clique of fellow bomb throwers and statue topplers.  Sound familiar?  Portland?  Almost any urban complex or campus in the so-called golden state?  Central planning is one of the quintessential expressions of totalitarianism.

Stalin 5 Year Plan poster | Year plan, Propaganda posters, Travel posters
Soviet poster proclaiming the Five-Year Plan of industrialization.

Now in control, to Stalin, the utopia means industrialization at breakneck speed no matter the cost and turmoil to people’s lives.  Sound similar to “zero carbon”, the Green New Deal, Biden announcing the end of fossil fuels, Newson and his one-party state destroying energy production and herding the entire population of the state into ev’s?  As for Stalin, he ordered more steel from his politburo to Gosplan (state economic planning agency) who then gets the furnaces billowing at full blast to produce more of something that few can and want to use.  It piles in heaps outside the foundries.

Ditto for Governor Newsom and housing.  Not enough affordable housing?  He ordered the regional governments in the state (like SoCal Area Governments – SCAG – for instance) to create precise plans for more “affordable housing”.  Atherton, within ABAG (Assoc. of Bay Area Governments), did its part with 348 new housing units – 16 of which are to be plunked down next to the Curry estate.

Aerial Photography Atherton - Airview Online
Aerial view of Atherton, Ca.
Atherton Homes | Floor plans, Atherton, House styles
New home development in Atherton with bungalows starting from between a stripped-down $620,000 to three-quarters of a million.
Steph and Ayesha Curry are selling their Mediterranean-style estate in Walnut Creek for $3.2 million.
The $3.2 million mansion sold by Steph Curry and wife.
Il campione della Nba Stephen Curry acquista una villa da 31 milioni in California — idealista/news
Rear view of Curry’s new $31 million mansion in Atherton, Ca

That’s how central planning works.  Need something like cheaper housing? Well, just order it as Stalin did steel, while ignoring the Russian realities of the absence of a trained workforce, the infrastructure for a supply chain, whether the stuff is any good, the absence of contingent enterprises that could use it.  Equally oblivious as Newsom is, the land in question in Atherton probably goes for $8 million per acre. Do the math: $12 million for the land and sixteen “affordable” units at $250,000 each will bring in . . . wait for it . . . $4 million.  Oops, it doesn’t add up.

Watch “affordable housing” turn into “unaffordable housing”.  To cover just land costs, each unit will have to go for $750,000.  Add other incidentals like labor, engineering, materials, energy (fuel, electricity, etc.), the inevitable California delays, fees, taxes, and approvals, and you’re back to California’s housing crisis.  Stalin ended up with the world’s largest steel ingot and crappy tractors.  Newsom commands cheaper housing and ends up with fewer units and a huge subsidy bill to fund from the depleted state, county, and municipal treasuries and the state’s beleaguered taxpayers.  My bet: the units don’t get built.

Don’t worry, Steph.  The state’s buffoonish central planning and incompetence will protect you.

The housing situation won’t improve because the political eco-system for development in the state hasn’t changed.  It’s the same one that caused the problem.  Layer upon layer of bureaucracy smothers the housing industry. Powerful interest groups perch like vultures waiting to pounce.  EIR’s and EIS’s and related “public” hearings filled with NIMBY’s and the state’s militant eco-utopians make a mockery of the process.  CEQA, the Coastal Commission, the planning agencies in every jurisdiction in the state, the overlay of air quality management districts throughout the state, Cal. Fish and Game, USFWS, and their endangered species lists are poised to tear their claws into the project.

Critically Endangered Insects Make History at San Diego Zoo - Times of San Diego
The endangered Lord Howe Island stick insect (female). Photo Courtesy San Diego Zoo.

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California NIMBYs don't love their children | OC Housing News

To tell the truth, the state has a housing crisis because it wants one.  They must want it, or they’re insane.  Anyone with an ounce of common sense must know that punishing a behavior, like building more housing, will mean less of the behavior.  It’s been the reality since the eco-industrial complex discovered the Delta Smelt, the Tipton Kangaroo Rat, and the evil of humans attempting to live better.

It gets worse.  Newsom’s affordable housing imperial decree is ready to clash with a recent California court’s decree extending California Endangered Species Act protections to invertebrates – i.e., insects (see below).  Californios will quickly learn that bumble bees count more than anything affordable in the state.  Karl Marx was wrong about much, but he got one thing right: “. . . history repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce.”

Stalin’s central planning created the Holodomor and dekulakization which devastated the Ukraine, the Donbas, the Russian peasantry and agriculture, and created the stirrings of the bloody purges in the hunt for “wreckers”.  Newsom thinks that he can wave the magic wand of an imperial decree and, voilà, “affordable housing” appears.  Just announce it and it will be so.  Forget about Marx’s tragedy stage; the state quickly jumped to farce.

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Read more here:

* “NBA’s Steph Curry joins neighbors in opposing affordable-housing plan for ritzy Atherton”, Howard Blume, LA Times, 2/3/23, at

* “California court ruling opens door for protection of insects as endangered species”, Liz Kimbrough, Mongabay, 6/2/22, at

Victor Davis Hanson, What Happened to You?

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I was an avid follower of Victor Davis Hanson’s podcast.  I appreciated his astute observations on the state of play in the country.  But lately, I’ve discerned derangement when it comes to Ukraine.  It’s the same mania that has a grip on the loonier fringes of the right.  Why did some Republican congresspeople stand in still defiance of Zelensky in his December 2022 speech to Congress?  Why do some mouthpieces of the right’s chattering classes (Tucker Carlson for instance) never miss an opportunity to smear Zelensky and Ukraine?  It’s so very odd given the fact that the talk emanating from this faction is chock full of complaints about Ukraine but is glaringly empty of any suggestions as to what we should do in response to one nation attempting a blatant conquest of another on a continent historically beset with near-apocalyptic conflagrations.  It’s a bitch session without any practical suggestions.

Video shows Marjorie Taylor Greene 'didn't applaud' Zelensky's speech to Congress | indy100
Marjorie Taylor Greene stands motionless as others clap during Zelensky speech to Congress in December 2022.

The behavior boggles the mind.  Not since Saddam Hussein barged into Kuwait, or the Wehrmacht’s 1930’s plunge into Czechoslovakia and Poland, has the world experienced such naked aggression as this.  Gauging by the reaction of neighbors and some adamantly neutral nations – Sweden and Finland – something very big had happened when Putin unleashed his military forces on Kyiv.  Sweden, a country that during the Cold War had its fighter jets on the tarmac simultaneously facing east and west, is rushing to the arms of NATO.  Finland, since Stalin’s time a strictly nonpartisan pacifist nation, has declared its intention to join the alliance as well.  The already skittish Baltics are in a panic, and rightly so.  Yet, for people like Tucker and Marjorie Taylor Greene, it’s the Alfred E. Neuman line of Mad Magazine fame, “What- Me Worry?”  More than that, they seem to have stocked up on a supply of broad coarse brushes and buckets of tar to lather on Zelensky and Ukraine.

I got a full dose of VDH’s mental state in regard to Ukraine in his February 9 podcast (see below).  It was full of vitriol about Ukraine and Zelensky but nary a word about what he would propose to counter a brazen act of conquest on a continent already the scene of the world’s two greatest bloodbaths that were ignited by nearly identical aggressions – Belgium/France 1914, 1930’s Austria/Czechoslovakia/Poland.  The lambast included a characterization of Zelensky as an ingrate, but by a standard that would make Churchill one.  Hanson’s depiction of the comparative weights (population, economy, nuclear weapons, etc.) of the two sides, while superficially correct, isn’t dispositive of the end result if history is any guide.  From the battlefields of Plataea, Marathon, and Salamis of ancient Greece to the jungles of Vietnam and the mountainous uplands of Afghanistan, small forces with esprit de corps and allies can defeat a much bigger one.  Hanson clearly knows this, so why does he suggest that the Ukrainian defeat is inevitable?  Once again, it boggles the mind.

Ancient Greece timeline | Timetoast timelines
Greeks defeat the Persians at Marathon in 490 BC.
Mujahideen Waiting for Soviet Army | Afghan-Soviet war 1979-… | Flickr
Mujahideen fighters in position against the Soviet army in Afghanistan in the 1980’s.

Far from it, Ukraine could gain the upper hand in this thing.  The question then will be: who got worn down?  One French estimate puts Putin’s losses at around 250,000 since he started the invasion (see below), not to mention the hundreds of thousands of fighting-age men who have fled.

Hanson’s trump card, though, is the Russian possession of nuclear weapons.  That somehow makes Putin unbeatable, which does more to explain why the Kim family of North Korea and the mullahs of Iran want them.  But the problem with a nuclear arsenal was the same one during the Cold War: use them and you’re done.  Mutually assured destruction either though a nuclear response, prolonged siege of sanctions and isolation, a forever red-dot bullseye on Putin’s forehead, or a Milosevich-type prosecution at the Hague awaits the Kremlin.  Remember, victims and survivors of holocausts are unrelenting in their pursuit of the perps.  Two names illustrate the point: Simon Wiesenthal and his pursuit of Nazis and Israel’s capture of Adolf Eichmann (and many others) in 1960.  Use a nuke, tactical or otherwise, and Putin will have a life of sleepless nights.  Don’t you think that he knows this?  Who wants to share space in history books with Heinrich Himmler?

May be an image of text that says '7 JEURNAL 20189 CREATORS.COM This is ALL UKRAINE'S FAULT... UKRAINE RAINE @Ramireztoons RUSSIA'

But here’s the rub with Hanson’s rant: none of his points about Ukraine make much sense outside a reference to American domestic politics.  A faction of the right judges almost every issue in light of its relation to Trump.  A Ukrainian energy company hired Hunter.  Trump’s “perfect” phone call – which honestly wasn’t perfect, nor illegal, nor impeachable – was with Zelensky.  Some Ukrainian policymakers favored Hillary, which isn’t unusual since all nations with a gun to their head – like Ukraine – nuzzle up to the likely winner of the leadership post of the big dog that can save them.  Heck, everyone including Trump thought he was going to lose in 2016.

Ironically, we also play the election-interference game in places like Israel, post-Soviet Russia, and elsewhere.  It’s therefore hardly surprising, even if illegal, for foreigners to interfere in our domestic politics.

Then there’s the notorious ex-Ukrainian US Colonel Vidman whose testimony at Trump’s impeachment hearing helped lead to the spurious abuse-of-power charge.  See, you paint enough anti-Trump stuff on Ukraine and Trump sycophants begin to view Ukrainians as outside their tribe.  Sure, it’s sophomoric, “the politics of the junior-high lunchroom” (see below), but it works as an important signifier for those who have difficulty constructing a coherent thought on their own.

Impeachment witness Alexander Vindman says in op-ed 'doing what's right matters'
Colonel Vidman in testimony in impeachment hearing of Pres. Trump in 2020.

So, we are experiencing the sophomoric thinking that goes along with the sophomoric behavior of the Trump influence on our current political scene.  VDH dips his toe into this pond scum.

VDH, I’ve got your complaints.  Now, what do we do?  If all is so bad about Ukraine, what do you propose that we do about bald-faced, naked aggression on the continent of Europe?  Are America’s other problems truly a justification for standing idly by?  Do we restrain ourselves till we have solved our border problems, opened up ANWR, created more entitlements, corrected our birth dearth and declining labor participation rate, etc.?  It seems strange to hold foreign policy hostage to success at solving every other internal problem.  It’s essentially an argument for not having a foreign policy.

It still comes down to one question: what do we do?  Do nothing?  If we choose to take that route, prepare for conquest in the world’s other tinderboxes.  I wonder how that will sit with Xi as he makes his preparations for swallowing Taiwan.  Don’t ever bring up Biden’s Afghanistan debacle if you’re willing to create a Ukraine one.

Negotiations could end this imbroglio, but it can’t be under a prostrate Ukraine for that will only sanction subjugation with words.  If the goal is to deter this kind of behavior, Putin’s forces must suffer on the battlefield.  Ukrainians are proving quite adept at providing that.  Keep them in the fight and give them the wherewithal in the form of tanks, fighter aircraft, Patriot batteries, whatever, to make Putin see the negotiating table as his only practical way out.  Make Ukraine a too hard of a nut to crack for him.

Ukraine destroy Russian tank with drone in 'extraordinary' footage | World | News |
Ukrainian soldier launches drone to destroy a Russian tank (r).

Additionally, talks at the stage of a near Ukrainian defeat after we starved them of supplies will be an inspiration for Xi.  The CCP armed forces invade and take Taiwan, then negotiate a new Hong Kong style status for the island to seem moderate, which in due course will morph into full incorporation into the regime.  Bye, bye Taiwan, to go along with the addition of the new Russian province of Ukraine.  It’s Churchill’s world crisis of 1939 all over again.

My bet is that we’ll get every bit of that international horror after this unhinged talk runs its course, and our domestic situation will still be a mess.  Reversing our decrepit culture and corrupting entitlements is a much more monumental task than shipping Abrams tanks to Ukraine.  Think about it, VDH: an unsafe and wracked USA compounded by an unsafe and wracked world.  That is the ultimate conclusion that we’re left drawing from your harangue on Ukraine.

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See and read more here:

* Feb. 9 VDH podcast “Our Broken Kaleidoscope” on Spotify at

* “EU estimates Russian casualties in Ukraine at 250,000 killed and wounded”, Yahoo News, Jan. 4, 2023, at

* “Why Progressives Can’t Quit Their Masks”, Kevin D. Williamson, Nation Review Online, Feb. 13, 2022, at

California, From Bright Promise to Malignancy

Editorial: California can’t afford neighborhood opposition to homeless housing -
Scene of San Fransisco homelessness in 2021.

* The following is my reaction to “Laurel Canyon” and “Helter Skelter” now showing on Amazon Prime.  I recommend them but not in ways intended by the creators.


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Upon preparing our transition to Montana, some very dear Montana friends advised us to replace our California vehicle plates asap.  We did.  It was probably the same guidance offered to any Golden State resident making a move to Oregon, Washington, Texas, Colorado, or practically anywhere.  Why is the word “California” so disconcerting to our fellow Americans beyond the Sierras?  No doubt, the state has a bad reputation.  To be blunt, it got it after the Sixties settled in, stayed, and took over the state.  Other people see the results, want no part of it, and wish to quarantine the virus.

The Sixties was a utopian cultural revolution with strong political implications that cast a dark shadow expanding up and down the coast and entrenching itself in metropolitan and academic nodes nationwide.  What came to be called “the Sixties” set in motion a full-scale assault on traditions and institutions while advancing license with a heavy expansion of state interventions, taxes, and regulations to clean up the concomitant mess and make society conform to a now-discredited utopian vision.  The government is by nature ill-equipped to be the cleanup brigade and only compounds the problems.  California is thought by many across the nation to be the birthing center of the horror.  Daily, the impression is confirmed.

'Laurel Canyon' series showcases unseen footage of '60s era music | Entertainment News |
A scene from one of the many residences of rock performers that came to congregate in Laurel Canyon.LA. It looks like Stephen Still (l) of the Buffalo Springfield and Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young sitting atop a car with what looks like Peter Tork of Monkees fame.

The march of the Sixties went from San Francisco, Berkeley, Haight-Asbury, LA, Topanga Canyon, Laurel Canyon, Sunset Blvd., through the coastal plain, up and down Highway 1, to the halls of power in Sacramento; all resplendently displayed in “Laurel Canyon” and “Helter Skelter”.  Later, bare feet and Levi’s gave way to the tweed of tenured faculty positions and the current legislative supermajorities and a lock on the governor’s mansion and every other statewide elective office in California.

PHOTOS: Another Summer Of Love? | * SUMMER OF OUR DISCONTENT 67' * | Pinterest | Summer of love ...
Haight-Ashbury during the so-called Summer of Love.

Surprisingly, I came away from viewing the two episodes of “Laurel Canyon” and the six of “Helter Skelter” on Amazon Prime with these thoughts in mind.  They were a reminder of the times but not necessarily a discovery.  I’m a Boomer, having entered junior high in 1964.  I’m aware.  The films illustrate that the Sixties cultural influence lurks in the background of the great folk-rock of the Laurel Canyon scene of the Sixties and the Manson murders.

Though, don’t be fooled.  The Sixties didn’t cause the Manson murders.  Manson and his troupe of sycophants are responsible.  Yet, the Sixties set the stage for what happened and for what California became.

25 Photographs of the Murderous Manson Family That Shocked the Nation
Charles Manson in one of many photos taken during his 1970 trial.
Image result for manson family spahn ranch
Some of Manson’s “family” on the Spahn Ranch property, 1969.
//Charles manson dead crime scene photos sharon tate with sebering
The bodies of Sharon Tate and Jay Sebring, two of the five victims at the Polanski/Tate residence.

The Sixties (actually from 1965 to the early Seventies), the word, came to refer to a wholesale rejection of convention.  Restraint is gone, anything goes, and moral anarchy reigns.  The earlier insidiousness of drug use – euphorics, psychedelics – was supplanted by a view of them as a shortcut to genius and God. Psychologist Timothy Leary at a 1966 Golden Gate Park “Human Be-In” set the tone with “Turn on, tune in, drop out”.  People caught up in the whirlwind found themselves beset by addictions, sexually transmitted diseases, unwanted pregnancies, and the underbelly of the drug culture.  Today, the phenomena have spread far beyond the confines of Haight-Ashbury.

At least 30 cannabis farms destroyed in Northern California wildfires - The Cannifornian
California pot farm

The anti-convention of the Sixties ultimately became the convention of today. It’s everywhere but most intense in California, its epicenter.  Just take a stroll through a Denver park to smell the spread of the zeitgeist, or travel the epicenter to experience a LA homeless encampment, the filth of the downtowns, the homelessness parked and tented along Highway 1, the growing pot dispensaries dotting the landscape, the legal and illegal pot plantations that make a hike in the California woods dangerous, and sex as recreation with an allied abortion industry to dispose of the consequences.

Belief in traditional Christianity and church attendance is taking a hit and a buttress of civility is crumbling (nationwide numbers below).

In U.S., smaller share of adults identify as Christians, while religious 'nones' have grown

Narcissism and a short-term time horizon were other byproducts.  Take away something higher and that leaves the self and an obsession with the present.  The future, a fruitful legacy, and personal responsibility be damned.  The Sixties-inspired absolute rule of the self overpowers everything to the point that even biological restraints are subjected to the will with enough chemicals and surgeries.  Fabricated girls – formerly boys – are free to invade female spaces.  The dating scene, already fraught with many uncertainties, will have a few more to contend with.

Socialism is a nice fit for the ongoing fight against convention.  It, by definition, is an invasion into the conventionally protected private sphere: private property, home, family, faith, your kids’ schooling, personal economic initiative, and a person’s accumulated earnings.  Free love became free-a-lot covering a gamut from healthcare, abortions, racial reparations, an expanding list of other monetary giveaways, and all of it bankrolled by one of the most onerous taxation regimes this side of North Korea.  California wants to approximate a hippie commune as close as is humanly possible . . . by dictat.

Environmentalism is the state’s unofficial religion and it’s a two-fer: it’s a cover for more socialism and assists in dismantling the old conventions, their institutions and standards.  Eco-fanaticism dictates your choice of car, constructs an unreliable and costly grid that sets the hillsides aflame, inflates energy prices to astronomical levels, stands by as the state’s infrastructure crumbles, and all of it managed by a state government that can’t even manage its lavish unemployment benefits (much of it illegally landed in the hands of the miscreants in the state’s prisons, see below).

And you wonder why a California license plate on a car in a Missoula WinCo parking lot is viewed with a slight undercurrent of contempt by locals?  People beyond the Sierras get a daily media dose of the California malignancy.  They know.  Many areas of the country are only getting redder as a result.  The Democratic Party is seen by many people as being under the hypnotic spell of what California has become, so much so that the House Democrat delegation almost split evenly on a resolution on Thursday (2/2/23) to condemn socialism (109 for, 100 against/present, see below).  The opponents have their reasons, but they exhibit obfuscation or ignorance of socialism.

The resolution reads in part, “. . . socialist ideology necessitates a concentration of power that has time and time again collapsed into Communist regimes, totalitarian rule, and brutal dictatorships.”  Some of the foes trotted out their old stand-by claim that an attack on socialism is a not-so-subtle design to eliminate Social Security and Medicare.  However, all serious reforms call for a transition to a more sustainable program, one in line with our time-honored values of personal responsibility, private property, and greater returns.  Demagoguing the issue hides an affection for top-down government control and the entrapment of the population into the status of serfs to the state, hallmarks of socialism.

Democratic Socialists of America endorse Maduro’s policies
The Squad in Congress, American marchers for socialism, and the socialist dictator Nicholas Maduro of Venezuela.

Many voting no/present disfigured the meaning of socialism in order to cover an affection for it.  Clouding their judgment is a version of socialism coming out of the Sixties love-ins in California.  For them, it is a cutesy sharing of everything, whether it be belongings or bed partners.  Manson demanded the surrender of all of a person’s possessions, including clothes, before acceptance into the clan.  It’s a sentiment familiar to the crowd before Timothy Leary in the Human Be-In of 1966, and morphed into the Democratic Party platform of today.

The red states’ desire to contain the virus may gain strength with more refugees . . . but only to a point.  Up to now, the vast majority of California refugees are the low-hanging fruit of people equally disgusted by the turn of events in their home state.  They add to the red tendencies of their adopted states.  Yet, when others of progressive orientations discover to their joy the availability of progressive culture in burgeoning urban settings like Nashville or Austin, without the onerous taxes, some of these red states might shift to more of a purple hue.  Watch out for Colorado-ization.

And so it goes. California wasn’t confined. It took over the culture, one of our two political parties, and is shedding population like my dogs do fur. Why are they fleeing? You know, most have come to dislike California for the same reasons as you might.

More importantly, California is the sheep’s clothing covering the Sixties wolf.  The Sixties was a disaster.  To say otherwise is smearing lipstick on a pig, er wolf.  Watch “Laurel Canyon” and “Helter Skelter” on Amazon Prime and don’t be fooled by the lipstick.  If viewed with a jaundiced eye, the films show much more than what their creators intended.



Read more here:

* “California sent coronavirus relief money to inmates living in multiple states”, Bethany Blankley, The Center Square, 1/7/2021, at,prison%20and%20jail%20inmates%2C%20a%20recent%20report%20found.

* More on California’s unemployment insurance scandal: “California’s Unemployment Insurance System in Crisis, Needs a Fix.”, Orange County Register, 1/18/2023, at

* “House passes resolution denouncing socialism, vote splits Democrats”, Michael Schnell, The Hill, 2/2/23, at

* “In U.S., Decline of Christianity Continues at Rapid Pace”, Pew Research Center, 10/17/2019, at

A Culture of Lying

Reporter David Lightman | Idaho Statesman
Gov. Newsom of California makes claim that Texans pay more in taxes in recent news conference.

Mehmet Murat ildan, Turkish writer and economist, once quipped for good reason, “One of the greatest responsibilities for the people of our time is to accept everything that he hears in the pro-government media as a lie and to investigate the truth from independent sources personally!” Good advice in this age of serial falsehoods from our self-anointed “betters”.

Mehmet’s point is to keep one’s wits about them. For instance, ask a few questions. Like, what is “government” in “pro-government media”? Former representative and Democratic Party poohbah Barney Frank tried to put an anodyne spin on the term: “Government is simply the name we give to the things we choose to do together.”

Is it really? Mehmet might beg to differ. Today, our western media, the other part of the Mehmet’s phrase, are more than organs of communication. They are part of an incestuous nexus of the college faculty lounge, corporate boardroom, legacy media, Hollywood, government down into its bowels, and a smattering of non-governmental organizations (NGO’s) – a class of people peering from the top of the social pyramid and overwhelmingly leaning left. Indeed, be leery enough to personally “investigate the truth from independent sources”.

In today’s news roundup are two items that touches upon our “betters” malign influence: Gavin Newsom on taxes and the chicanery of Hamilton 68. Both stories are indicative of our modern culture of lying.

In the first one, the serial prevaricator Gov. Gavin Newsom of California mangles the truth about Texas taxes. He has to do it because he’s the used car salesman trying to unload a clunker on a weary costumer, the jalopy being the state of California. Thus, he blurted out this whopper: “95% of Texans pay higher taxes than Californians.” What? Texas has no state income tax and California has the highest one in the nation and taxes everything under the sun (and within Hubbel’s expanding universe, Hubble’s Law: v = H*r). The poor folks of California are pummeled with them.


It bodes well for DeMeco Ryans, 49er defensive coordinator, who looks like he’ll take the head coaching gig with the Houston Texans. He’ll get a leap in his salary and be allowed to keep more of it by simply making the move.

What is the basis for Newsom’s attempt at making the implausible plausible? Surely, there must be some grounding for the shocking claim. Well, the guy’s staff rooted through the publications of the left-leaning Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy in the not-so-illustrious state. They cited a 2018 study from the group that doesn’t support the bombast. Even more embarrassing, a spokesperson for the group refuted Newsom by saying, “We do not compute a specific percentage of Californians who pay less/more tax than Texans.” Instead, the focus of the Institute’s study was to illustrate California’s “fairer” tax system, not that it was cheaper. Newsom: liar, liar, pants on fire!

To clear the air, the more reasonable Tax Foundation went through the numbers comparing Texas and California, just looking at income, property, and sales taxes, and avoiding California’s morass of regulatory and business taxes. Here’s the results using a $100,000 income in both states: the person in Texas pays $6,335 and the poor Californio’s burden almost doubled to $11,946. The biggest reason for the gap is that Texans pay $0 in state income taxes because Texas doesn’t have one. Add a lighter tax burden to the cheaper cost of living and a sensible person can understand the attraction of Texas to a California middle-class family of four or Elon Musk.

Plus, one doesn’t have to put up with the eco-nuttery, crazed and infanticidal abortion, being locked into abysmal public schools, the widespread urban decay, and their daughters having to share with boys the girls’ bathrooms, locker rooms, and running and swimming lanes. There’s a lot to be said for loading up a U-Haul.

Newsom has to gaslight us to cover up his mounting mess. Hamilton 68 lies to maintain its death grip on power. What is it? It’s another one of those transnational groupies of the well-heeled and people accustomed to power and influence. It’s a Who’s Who of powerful insiders. It was birthed by an entity called the Alliance for Securing Democracy (ASD) which in turn was created by the German Marshall Fund, which is bankrolled by European and the US governments. Got that? It sounds like an old fashioned, meandering money laundering scheme, like much of today’s politics when the powerful want to hide their machinations.

Former FBI counterintelligence agent and “disinformation” expert Clint Watts, the spokesman for Hamilton

Their key obsession is “misinformation”. So, they fight so-called “misinformation” with “disinformation”. It was all uncovered by Elon Musk’s clean-up crew at Twitter. Hamilton 68 was part of the cabal to tar the 2016 election as a product of a Russian skullduggery. They stuck around to be the source for the wild claims of Russia collusion for MSNBC, legacy media, and the disreputable fact-checking operations of Snopes and Politifact.

Hamilton purported to find hundreds (644) of Russian bots actively at work since 2015-16. In reality, according to Twitter execs at the time in their Musk-released emails, the Hamilton’s hundreds shrunk to the reality of 34, most of them related to RT (Russia Times). Swept up in the tarring were conservatives such as Michael Horowitz, and others with much fewer Twitter followers, for merely expressing a point of view contrary to the center-left’s transnational zeitgeist.

Apparently, they’ve been snooping Twitter accounts, not unusual since they are joined at the hip with the “intel community” and Silicon Valley muckety-mucks. Many of Hamilton’s members are well-connected to the amorphous glob. And just think, US taxpayers are forced to bankroll an operation (the German Marshall Fund) targeting themselves. Hamilton 68 is a huge con job that besmirched the 2016 election with lies and was bent on libeling anyone aligned with the result. It’s outrageous.

With Hamilton 68 and Newsom’s falsehoods, one has to wonder about the legitimacy of those preening and peering from the top of the social pyramid. Their culture of lies is smothering us.



Read more here:

* Mehmet Murat ildan’s quote from Goodreads, “Lies Politics Quotes” at , and more on Mehmet at

* Barney Frank quote from “The Intolerant State”, Matt Welch, Reason Magazine, Dec. 2013, at,to%20opposite%20sides%20of%20America%27s%20bitter%20ideological%20divide.

* “Newsom says 95% of Texans pay more than Californians in taxes. But is he correct?”, David Lightman, The Sacramento Bee, 1/18/23, at

* “Move Over, Jayson Blair: Meet Hamilton 68, the New King of Media Fraud”, Matt Taibbi, Racket, 1/27/23, at

* More on Hamilton 68 at “The Right Underreacts”, Michael Brandon Dougherty, National Review Online, 1/31/23, at

* Also on my website at
* Also in my Substack feed, The Golden Mean, at