What Its Like to be a Real Man

Watch Vice President Mike Pence’s eulogy for President George H.W. Bush.  He says it far better than I could write it.

Compare the senior Bush with those presidents that came after him.  Bill Clinton was, and ultimately remained, a frat boy with a lefty tinge at Bush’s age but George was flying an Avenger torpedo bomber and being shot at by the Japanese (downed twice).

A young George Bush, center, with Joe Reichert, left, and Leo Nadeau during World War II. (Robert B. Stinnett/National Archives)
George HW Bush is rescued by USS Finback, Sept. 2, 1944. (Credit: PHOTOSHOT)

His son, George W., went into the Air National Guard.  Then we have Barack Obama who at the same age went to Occidental and later Columbia to major in poli sci, smoke some pot, and dabble in socialist glamfests (for instance, the Socialist Scholars Conference), all in preparation for a life as a lefty agitator.  Finally, we have our current and petulant twitter-in-chief, Donald Trump.  He inherited daddy’s wealth and spent the rest of his life as a celebrity developer at the same time as many of his peers were risking their lives in jungles across the Pacific, as the elder Bush did in WWII.

Barack Obama in college. Occidental or Columbia? (Getty images)

Some have placed the moniker of “wimp” on the elder Bush.  Such labeling is evidence of how present clichés insult the past.  George H.W. Bush came from a time when a calming tone of voice and a code of decency were signs of good upbringing.  How could he be a “wimp” when he was the youngest Navy aviator, survivor of two splashdowns, and still persisted in being launched from a carrier till the war ended (50+ launches)?  We are so shallow today that voice and propriety can be used against you.

We could have done so much worse as we did with 3 of the 4 (maybe 4 of 4 depending on your rankings) that came after him.  I salute you, President George H.W. Bush.


A Little Bio

Since this is my first blog post, I think an introduction is in order.

  • I am a 3rd generation California native, now refugee.  I currently reside in northwest Montana.
  • I am a retired teacher/coach and Social Science Department chair in the Delano Jt. Union High School in Delano, Ca.  I taught the full gamut of courses in the department from US History to Civics, including AP.
  • I am a retired instructor in Physical and Human Geography at Bakersfield College in the Kern Community College District.
  • I attended 4 colleges: Bakersfield College; California State College, Bakersfield; UC Santa Barbara; California State University, Chico
  • I have degrees and certificates in History/Religious Studies, Education, and Planning and Community Development.
  • In the comment section in online articles, and in my Facebook page, I frequently write under the moniker “RogerG”.

This blog’s purpose is a defense of our way of life from both domestic and international threats.  From my perch as a concerned citizen, participant in political campaigns, and teacher of almost 30 years, the perils facing our country involve more than just external enemies.  We are also at risk from ideologies at variance with our founding traditions.  They must be identified and resisted.

Not only could we be transformed by these fashionable, yet corrosive, beliefs; we could quite likely be ruined by them.  This blog is my small attempt at forestalling, maybe preventing, the wreckage.
