They’re Still Leaving as of Friday, 12/29/23

Local Moving Labor | U-Haul

In “Poltergeist II”, the little girl stares into the snow of the TV screen and announces, “They’re baaaaack!”.  Who’s back?  The ghosts, of course.  For those chronicling the decline of California, the iconic declaration must be reworked.  A person staring at their daily news feed comes away with stories of people leaving the state saying, “They’re leeeeeeeeeeaving!”  This time, it’s Time magazine in “Americans Are Fleeing Los Angeles More Than Anywhere Else for First Time” (see below).

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The little girl from “Poltergeist II”

And I quote from the story: “Los Angeles was not at the top of the list [of places to move to], instead becoming the area residents were most likely to move away from.”  According to a Redfin report, “That marks the first time on record [LA] has been the number one place homebuyers are leaving, and the first time in over two years the Bay Area has dropped out of the number one spot.”

A dubious distinction for the not-so-Golden State.  LA occupies the top spot, but the rest of the list is a who’s who of American urban dystopia, all of them Democratic Party satraps. San Francisco, New York City, Washington, D.C., Seattle, Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Detroit and Denver are kryptonite to businesses and the middle class.  People are voting with their feet as they have for millennia.  Hell on earth is not a magnet.

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A common strip of homelessness in Los Angeles
May be an image of 5 people, train and railroad
Litter from the chronic mobs of thieves along rail lines in Los Angeles

Welcome to urban America, and for the globe-trotting foreign traveler, reconsider that visit to the City by the Bay or Disneyland. Unless you’re a member of a major bowl game broadcast crew like the ESPN team reporting from the floor of the Rose Bowl, who’ll speed from the airport to hotel to the Rose Bowl in a limousine, you’ll risk face-to-face encounters with urban dysfunction.

For Californians, get out. For visitors, stay away.

business exodus people leaving california


* “Americans Are Fleeing Los Angeles More Than Anywhere Else for First Time”, Suzanne Blake, Time, 12/29/23, at

They Just Don’t Get It

Guns, technology, and police shootings; San Francisco board of supervisors elections; AirBnB ...
County of San Francisco Board of Supervisors, Mayor Londond Breed center
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San Francisco Mayor London Breed

Many of our debates are vastly off-kilter. It begins with hugely consequential things.  Republicans seem intent on foisting Donald Trump on the country again.  The Democrats are focused on making a shambles of our country.  The former makes the latter more likely.  The abhorrent DJT is simply too ugly a face for the GOP to succeed among a national electorate.

It doesn’t stop there.  The so-called solutions have the maturity and depth of understanding of locker room humor.  Trumpkins insinuate that the country needs a Tasmanian Devil (of Looney Tunes fame) to fight, fight anyone, anyone coming from any direction, making enemies of friends.  The Dems and their fellow cultural revolutionaries (their inspiration: Mao), after creating swaths of wreckage from their cuckoo ideas, want the help of people, who they have habitually tarred, to clean up their mess.

For the revolutionaries in power, more cops to reverse the doom loop of places like San Franscisco is much less feasible of an option after years of decriminalizing criminality and the branding of cops as racists.  What they just don’t get is the fact that once the slide is initiated, like an avalanche, it’s awfully hard to stop.  This class of revolutionary ruler is emotionally and mentally ill-equipped to address the situation.

The carnage is glaringly obvious to all. Type “doom loop” and/or “San Francisco” in YouTube’s search field and you’ll see.  The list of major retailers abandoning the city is too well-known to require mention here.  The two largest downtown hoteliers prefer foreclosure to continuing operations among the filth and crime.  The iconic Westfield Mall has discovered a similar affection for foreclosure.  San Francisco is the donkey party’s policies taken to their logical conclusion.

Mayor London Breed quipped in support of additional funding for public safety, “San Francisco must be a safe and just city for all”, and her fellow-travelling potentates on the Board of Supervisors responded with an additional $60 million in funding for the Police Department and 220 more officers.  I don’t know what 220 more cops will be able to accomplish for residents, under the guise of the same ravenous Red Guards who created the situation, except spend a whole lot more money for more uniforms, training, equipment, and compensation with little real power to do anything to clear the public spaces.  What high-quality candidate for SFPD recruitment would be willing to step into that minefield?

My guess is, if the same clowns are running the show, that things might marginally improve, but “marginally improve” is a bit like “marginally mugged”.  It’s still going to be horrible, and managers responsible for many employees will recommend Zooming (stay home) if at all possible, instead of running the gauntlet.

San Francisco's Federal Building: A Desolate Symbol Amidst Escalating Crime & Homelessness Crisis
A view of the troubling walk to the entrance of the San Francisco’s Federal Building

And that includes federal employees at the downtown federal building.  HHS Assistant Secretary for Administration Cheryl R. Campbell issued the following advisory to SF district managers earlier this month, “In light of the conditions at the (Federal Building) we recommend employees … maximize the use of telework for the foreseeable future.”  Even with the added cops, any return to the office workstation won’t survive the next assault.

Nancy Pelosi’s well-publicized pleas won’t matter squat if the people in charge fundamentally still think like her.  That’s the crux of the matter: the critical mass of politics in San Francisco is infatuated with the power of the state to create Shangri-la and the view of the world through the lens of systemic victimization.  So long as that sticks between the ears, decline becomes more than an option. It’s a perpetual reality.

Ideas matter, and boy do they matter.  The clowns in San Francisco City Hall just don’t get it.




Read more here:

* “HOW SAN FRANCISCO BECAME A FAILED CITY”, Nellie Bowles, The Atlantic, June 8, 2022, at

* “Federal workers in San Francisco told to work remotely ‘for the foreseeable future’ because local crime is so bad”, Chris Morris, Fortune Magazine, August 14, 2023, at

“It’s Not My City”

Out of options, SF police union endorses Alioto in mayor’s race
Angela Alioto

I have no plans to ever return to California for a visit or otherwise, absent a necessity involving a dear friend or relative.  Every visit after my relocation to Montana has only reminded me of the reasons for my departure in the first place, and it’s only gotten worse.

Concerns for the state of my birth are not limited to me.  Traditional Democrats of many generations, such as the Alioto family of San Francisco, are shocked by the descent of their city into lawlessness.  They have yet, though, to come to grips with San Francisco being the canary in the coal mine.  Large swaths of the state are sliding into the same dystopia.  The problem is more than San Francisco.

For Angela Alioto, ex-member of the SF Board of Supervisors and Board president and daughter of the famous two-term mayor Joseph Alioto, she exclaimed that “It’s not my city” in a recent interview.  You can watch it below. Pay close attention to her description of the near-death experience of a retired SF Fire Commissioner confronting violent homeless drug addicts on the request of his elderly mother just below her window and doorstep.  He was more than assaulted.  He was maimed with a crowbar and left with probable brain damage.

Not every city in the state has fallen into such despair, but they all experience the decay to some extent.  Filth and mayhem, like smog, seldom respects boundary lines on a map.  One thing’s for sure: no Californian can escape the state’s predilection to decriminalize various social pathologies, remove vagrancy laws off the books, tax and regulate their residents to high heaven, expunge entire criminal statutes through flagrant non-enforcement, etc., etc.  When a person is more likely to face hard time for driving an unsmogged car than repeated smash-and-grabs, you know that a majority of the state’s electorate has edged closer to delusional.

Californians won’t get a better run state until a more well-balanced electorate shows up.  One must face up to the fact that this state of affairs wasn’t an accident. It was voted into office.  Please grab a cup of coffee and watch the interview.  It might influence your decision to pay a visit to the City by the Bay.


Watch it here:

* If you have difficulty viewing the video, that’s because it went “private”.  It happened after I initially linked it on Facebook.

Our National Decomposition Continues Apace, Part II

‘Teen Takeover’; Liberal Networks Refuse to Cover Latest Lawlessness in ...
Teens swarm into downtown Chicago in a scene of mayhem.
Video Shows Chicago 'Teen Takeover' Mob Cut Off Woman's Escape and ...
Three still frames of a woman getting assaulted by the vicious teens which is the subject of a short Twitter video below.

Cities from the west coast to the Midwest to the east coast are dangerous, filthy nightmares.  No exaggeration.  Youths in Chicago this weekend welcomed their new lefty, crime-coddling mayor, Brandon Johnson, to office with a rampage through the downtown.  His honor limply criticized the behavior and then went on to say, “It is not constructive to demonize youth who have otherwise been starved of opportunities in their own communities.”

It is not constructive?  To demonize?  These kids are demonizing themselves. In fact, they’re demonizing their cities.  Watch the Twitter video of a teen swarm beating a woman senseless at:

To catch the viciousness, pay close attention at the very beginning.  You’ll see her go down in a maelstrom of fists and kicks.  This could happen to anyone, and is happening to anyone.  People are leaving these hellscapes and the dimwitted in office have no answer but excuses and more social workers.

That’s right, they promise to hire more sociology majors.  It’s what you’d expect from a paid Chicago Teachers Union organizer who is fully marinated in lefty groupthink.

Anecdotes are piling of U-Hauls getting harder to find and businesses seeking safer spaces beyond the reach of the flash-mobs.  Whole Foods shut its recently opened store in San Francisco.  Heck, it’s getting harder to find a Walgreens or CVS in the city by the bay.  REI, that caterer to white-collar trekkers, has decided to close its Portland outlet due to theft and break-ins.  You name the place – LA, Minneapolis, Seattle, New York City – and they are turning John Carpenter of “Escape from New York” into a prophet.

All anyone can say is “Get Out!”


The Nashville School Shooting and a Trans Social Contagion

Nashville school shooting: Trans community fears backlash after attack ...
Nashville killer in hallway of Covenant School as she hunts for more victims (from school surveillance camera).
People pray during a community vigil held for the people killed during the Covenant School shooting on March 28, 2023, in Mount Juliet, Tenn.
People pray during a community vigil for the victims of the Nashville Covenant School shooting spree in nearby Mount Juliet, Tenn., on March 28, 2023. (photo: Andrew Nelles, AP)

This past Monday a young woman, age 28, walked into an elementary school in Nashville and murdered three children and three adults.  I was nearly brought to tears watching the police body cam footage that shows courageous police officers in a frantic rush through the rooms and finally ending the madness by killing the shooter.  The tears were for the shock and horror of children having to face another murderous miscreant.  Quite frankly, it was hard to watch. Prayers go out to all the families who now have a huge hole in their hearts to bear, and to the parents of the killer who now must continue their lives knowing that their child is a mass murderer.  Thinking about it, the sadness must be almost unendurable.

After these events, and even more horrifying, we’ve seen people too regularly jump to their agenda in grotesque exploitation.  The president, Monday, went before the press to comment on the event and opened with a standup comedy routine and then shifted to his favorite hobby horse of gun control (see below).  The bodies are still at the coroner, loved ones are devastated and groping for ways to cope, and a president shames himself before cameras and microphones.  The White House scene was obscene.

We don’t know much at this stage about the shooter and her motive.  It’s far too easy for us to join the crowd and connect the tragedy to our personal social and political hobby horses.  I will try to refrain from doing that.  Yet, there are certain aspects about the shooter to come to light that may or may not be relevant.  Absent evidence, though, keep in mind that the known facts of her trans-identity as a man and the killing spree should be treated as unrelated at this moment.

But it doesn’t mean that killings by a trans person suddenly prevents us from continuing our public discussion on transgenderism and the strong possibility of a social contagion.  Regardless of the outcome of this investigation, this debate must proceed for the stakes are too great for our children.


The argument against a trans social contagion relies on a suspension of common sense.  Peer pressure and social media contagions apply everywhere else but magically they are blocked from operating on this topic.  The entire advertising industry and cancel culture rely on the triggering aspect of peer pressure.  People buy Coke over Pepsi (and vice versa) and censorship on campus is justified by alleged “hurts” that transmit through the social ether of the student body.  Sorry, the argument lacks merit.

And other facts clearly point to a social contagion.  Where is trans-identity most prevalent?  It isn’t evenly distributed. Madeleine Kearns (see below) has followed the subject for quite some time.  She noticed that California has young people identifying “as trans at a nearly 38 percent higher rate than the national average”.  In the very progressive California city of Davis, according to numbers provided by the Davis Unified School District, the rate is three times that of California.  What is there in the California social eco-system that is causing a teen rush to transgenderism?  The scale of the increase suggests something more than children are now free to expose their inner trans self.

Trans-identity certainly happens everywhere but concentrations strongly imply a contagion is at work.  A bump in the numbers not only occurs by geographical location but also by sex.  Just a short time ago, it was boys who mostly suffered from gender-dysphoria.  Now, it’s girls by two to one.  What happened?  Social media happened as other influences were locked down during the pandemic.  Kids were isolated in long stretches with their cellphones.  The isolation and the well-known sensitivity of teenage girls about their bodies brews a perfect storm.

Consider this: any husband will rue the day he ever suggested to his wife that she is getting a bit plump.

My position on the social contagion aspect of transgenderism is unrelated to the Nashville event.  Her trans-identity didn’t pull the trigger.  Until proven otherwise, trans people aren’t prone to murder any more than anyone else.  The willingness to take life stems from something much deeper in the cranial recesses than gender dysphoria, genitalia, or chromosomes.

That said, we need to take seriously the fact that young people are intensely more impressionable than some gratuitously let on.  Drag queen story hours, anal and oral sex picture books for adolescents, the instant networking of tweens/teens on their cellphones, the pervasive online content, and parental detachment from the lives of their children make for a toxic brew.  Are we weaponizing normal tween/teen insecurities into rampant dissatisfaction with their bodies?  Yes, we appear to be.  Its modern manifestation is transgenderism.

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Read more here:

* “Biden makes ice cream joke in first statement since Nashville shooting”, Stephen Nelson, The NY Post, 3/27/2023, at

* “Trans and Teens: The Social-Contagion Factor Is Real”, Madeleine Kearns, National Review, 2/20/2023, at

Our Politics Are a Mess. Shame on the Culprits.

President Joe Biden delivers remarks on prescription drug costs, Social Security and Medicare, during a campaign event, in Joliet, Ill., November 5, 2022. (Kevin Lamarque/Reuters)

Election Day is nigh, and our politics are a mess.  Shame on the Culprits.

Biden goes on a rant about the “idiots” who actually take the Democrats for their word: the Democrats are “socialists” if not in self-acclamation, then in deeds.  But you are an “idiot” for noticing. Trump fulminates in his usual adolescent way by insulting a potential rival, Gov. Ron DeSantis, as “DeSanctimonious”.  When will that 20% of the GOP electorate actually grow up? Our 2024 choices at this juncture could be between the revolutionaries’ old fart (Biden) or an old-but-narcissistic browbeater (Trump).  It’s a real binary because only one of the two could be inflicted on us after 2024.

Former President Donald Trump speaks during a pre-election rally to support Republican candidates in Latrobe, Pa., November 5, 2022. (Mike Segar/Reuters)

How did we end up with two septuagenarian-to-octogenarian figures to represent our political divide?  One is clearly senile and the other is an embarrassing oaf who hasn’t outgrown schoolyard bullying because it sells in our hyperactive digital age.  While the two mouthpieces have an equal measure of their own version of decrepitude, the two parties are not as equivalent in their rot.  The Democratic Party went off their rocker into full-blown ultra-Left fanaticism.  The Republican Party is the one left to buttress the nation against the lunacy, being now the only adult left in the room, but, sadly, they are anchored down by the telegenic buffoon.  He just might get a second shot at it in 2024.

The GOP’s barker, Trump, had his 4-year turn with the brass ring but ran into a buzzsaw of Left/bureaucratic hostility that dominates our increasingly putrefying culture and administrative state.  The thing that attracts clicks and cameras – a dramatic persona, or BDE (look it up) in the words of Trumpkins – also stirred the entrenched Left to attempt to shred our Constitutional order, which they tried to do in short order after they were returned to power under the senescent Biden in January 2021 in calls for court packing, elimination of the Electoral College, engineering four new Senate seats for themselves, calling for an elimination of any voice for the minority in the Senate (it is said that the filibuster is a “relic” of Jim Crow), pushing a federal takeover of elections to legalize election fraud to expand their voter base and ensure dominance over the horizon, etc.

And then the wheels came off the nation under their refashioned version of Il Duce’s old slogan of “Everything in the State, nothing outside the State, nothing against the State.”  No energy for you if it didn’t come from a windmill or solar panel.  No car for you if it doesn’t take 2 hours to 2 days to charge, and won’t burst into flames after being inundated in a storm surge.  The Green New Deal central planners are going to hogtie you into their utopian rabbit hole with or without your consent.

As for your sidewalks and parks, be careful because addiction on the streets and in the green spaces is “decriminalized”.  Plus, you get the opportunity to see nihilism in practice with the rampant smash-and-grab mobs, property crime, and raging assaults – Anthony Burgess’s “A Clockwork Orange” brought to life.  Heck, just keep your mayhem under $950, and even if you don’t, no-cash-bail and non-prosecution ensures that the miscreants will never get a chance to look from the wrong side of bars.  It’s a huge subsidy for Hobbes’s old prediction of the “war of all against all”.

Our girls’ locker rooms have been invaded by XY “girls”.  Our daughters aren’t safe, and their lifetime efforts and achievements cut short by XY “women” athletes.  All of this brought to you by a party that wants to make all things a matter of human will.  No obvious boys and girls, and all is subject to choice and human interventions.  High school dances are now a real adventure for all concerned.

The so-called kitchen table isn’t exempt because you are increasingly unable to afford much to put on it.  Your nest egg (401k, pension) has tanked.  Shortages are disguised in euphemisms like “supply chain crisis”.  It’s always a crisis with these central-planning folks.  Central planning has its shortcomings.  And, if you had a job, the highways just became useless since you can’t afford the juice to turn the wheels of your car, or the home charger was made inert by a blackout.  “Sustainable” also has its shortcomings.

The ultimate in central planning – the pandemic lockdowns, closures of businesses, schools, and civil life, and the mandates, and the incessant tinkering with essential and nonessential – has contributed to much of the disruption of ordinary life that we experience today, setting back our kids for a year or two.  COVID central planning is like Soviet central planning or the kind run out of Pyongyang: shortages and a stunted existence.

But what’s there to complain about?  Much, oh so very much.  The blathering blowhard of the GOP won’t be on the ballot till 2024, but Biden’s “idiots” – the average person that makes the country click by living and working – face an existential threat: Biden and his big-government party.  Vote like your life depended on it, because it actually does.

You’re the Lifeguard?




Read more here:

* “Biden calls anti-socialism protesters ‘idiots’ in Illinois stump speech attacking GOP”, Washington Times, Nov. 5, 2022, at .

* “Trump hits DeSantis as ‘Ron DeSanctimonious’ at rally amid 2024 announcement rumors”, Washington Times, Nov. 5, 2022, at .


Too Much Faith in Government. Highland Park Is Proof.

Police officers walk through the crime scene the day after a mass shooting at a Fourth of July parade in Highland Park, Ill., July 5, 2022. (Photo: Cheney Orr/Reuters)

Biden’s poll numbers are in the toilet.  The celebrity-activist base of the Democratic Party screams at White House operatives in Zoom sessions to do something about the coming red wave in November.  They complain that Biden seems mentally adrift, the administration is slow, the messaging is off – which is true to some degree.  But here’s the kicker: their problems have little to do with presentation but has everything to do with the message itself.

What ties the crowd on the left together is a fanatical belief in government’s ability to accomplish anything.  Thus, we have the peddling of the $5-trillion Build Back Better in an economy heating up after COVID, inflation, shortages, a full-frontal assault on affordable energy, ending wars in catastrophe, crime spiking all over, schools as lefty indoctrination centers amidst plummeting test scores, and a childish and obsessive campaign to eliminate inequalities in socio-economic numbers (statistical disparities).  The problem is not the form of message presentation.  It’s the message! Ideas certainly have consequences, and bad ideas have bad consequences.

The Highland Park shooting is a case study in the error of following false political gods.  It didn’t take long for the bright stars of the Illinois political firmament – Gov. Pritzker and the state’s two Senators – to blame the gun.  So, they trot out the banal litany of rhetoric about “gun violence”, “assault weapons”, “weapons of war”, and high-capacity magazines while they ignore their own culpability.  Yes, culpability: their responsibility for not enforcing their own laws or recognizing that many of their go-to ideas are pointless.

The new so-called “bipartisan” federal gun control law parallels much in Illinois state law.  Illinois has a comprehensive red flag law, a gun ownership permit system, universal background checks, bans on straw purchases, and a prohibition on conceal carry at most public gatherings.  Highland Park chimes in with their bans on “assault weapons” and “high-capacity magazines”.  The state and town are covered in gun laws, and none of it stopped the killer’s rampage.

And where did all of this end up?  The killer still purchased his gun, in spite of documented run-ins with police, a red flag law, and a robust list of prohibitions in the state’s gun-purchase check system.  The streets of Chicago would remind anyone of Baghdad at the height of the insurrection in 2003.  15 people were murdered in the city on the day of the Highland Park shooting.  Other Democrat-run fiefdoms with similar Byzantine entanglements of gun laws have become war zones.  2022 has already witnessed “250 murders in Philadelphia, 175 murders in Los Angeles, and 102 murders in Washington, D.C.” (see below for source)

The reason for the progressive failure is something that never crossed the mind of the participants of the Zoom call between Biden hirelings and the party’s high-profile activists.  It is the simple fact that laws must be faithfully executed (in the words of the US Constitution) before they become real.  It’s the human factor.  With Democrat governance comes permissive law enforcement, particularly in the form of non-prosecution, selective prosecution, or reduced prosecution.  Honestly, it could be that their favorite gun laws can’t be enforced without running afoul of their other cherished ideals, like reduced incarceration rates.  Regardless, we end up in the same place: urban hellscapes.

In the end, the miscreant in Highland Park still got his hand on a gun for a sniper’s nest to kill July 4th revelers.  Pritzker and company should first examine their own derelictions before they harass the general public with more laws that they’ll fail to enforce or won’t make any difference.

Simply passing a law and then a retreat to their uptown soiree and exclusive gated community won’t cut it.  For me, passing laws that they refuse to enforce is grounds for impeachment.  Are you listening people of Illinois?



An excellent column on the gun issue and HIghland Park:  When Gun Laws Don’t Prevent Gun Crime | National Review

The Times They Are A-Changin’

See the source image

That’s right, for the times they are a-changin’.  We are in a moment similar to the era of Bob Dylan’s youth.  Back then, the target of his ire was the hideous Jim Crow.  The same lyrics could equally apply to the reign of the radical left from the halls of power in Washington, DC, to big metropolitan areas and deep blue states.  Signs are everywhere that “the times they are a-changin’”.

The lyrics of Bob Dylan’s first stanza are poignant:

Come gather ’round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You’ll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin’
Then you better start swimmin’
Or you’ll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin’.

San Fransisco voted world's filthiest slum
San Francisco homeless encampment in 2018

Watch as the smash and grab phenomena sweeps the country in 2021-2022:

I’ll give you three indications that the ruling radical left of the donkey party might “sink like a stone”: (1) 1.7 million voters changed their registration from Democrat to Republican, a net gain of a 1 million to the R’s, from 2021 to 2022; (2) Arizona’s Gov. Doug Ducey signed a bill that allows the state’s students to take $6,400-per-pupil to a school of their parents’ choice; and (3) a San Diego school district dumped their identity-mongering, DEI-loving Superintendent.  Let’s take a closer look at each one of these horsemen of the apocalypse.

The Democrats have a problem: they have a “smell of death” around them (to borrow from Lynyrd Skynyrd’s “That Smell”), thanks to “defund the police”, their destruction of livelihoods and standards of living in greenie radicalism, constant campaigns of race and gender warfare, homoerotic curriculums to 7-year-olds, willful refusal to enforce laws, the erasure of the borders of the United States, a concerted effort to suspend the laws of economics in order to bribe and coerce the people into the preferred lifestyle of a fashionable clique, and . . . you get the picture.

The pungent odor that proceeds them has caused 1.7 million voters to flee the smell of the Democrat ship and crawl on board the USS Republican Party.  Some 600,000 went the other way for a plus-1-million gain for the GOP, something not seen since the Elder Days (Lord of the Rings lingo).  According to the AP, who broke the story, the biggest change occurred in the suburbs, by people who previously found Trump repulsive.  Well, Trump’s no longer at the head of the parade. It’s Biden and his cohorts of lefties and greenie utopians at the tiller of state.  It’s not a good look for moms and dads who have to regularly fill up the family sedan and balance the checkbook.  And what awaits them as they go for a walk?  Try ducking stray bullets, avoiding the long strings of homeless encampments, the random assaults by the criminally insane, staying clear of the parks for the drugs and filth and crime, the incessant car and home break-ins, and the schools that aren’t any better, if they’re allowed to be open.  It’s heathier to hunker down with Netflix, popcorn, and a 45.  As Lynyrd Skynyrd put it, “Ooh-ooh that smell”.

And, boy, did parents get a whiff of what’s happening in their child’s classroom.  The lockdowns not only forced parents to sacrifice making ends meet but the end to in-person instruction also showed to many that they could live without the offerings of the teacher unions and the captured education Borg.  “School choice” became more popular, and Gov. Ducey of Arizona and legislative Republicans responded with an expansion of the state’s voucher-like Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (ESA’s).  If an off-the-charts lefty San Francisco school board majority could be sent packing in, of all places, San Francisco, what do you think can be done in saner locales?

Arizona Governor Doug Ducey in Pheonix on June 17, 2022

It’s amazing to know that the unions’ agitation for school closures also exposed their shenanigans.  It took away the barrier of gates and walls that protected them from any scrutiny.  Parents are awake everywhere from Loudon County to San Francisco.  Arizona has reacted, with other states soon to follow.

Simply put, all that Arizona did was to empower parents with the ability to walk away.  Lets’ see how the Borg survives without the gravy train.

All of the ideological bile that runs the schools came to a head in another place, Sand Diego.  The San Dieguito Union High School District Superintendent let the cat out of the bag, the feline of identity-mongering that is. The mental straitjacket of diversity-equity-inclusion (DEI) that runs the district came out on YouTube.  Take a peek below.

In a training session last week, Superintendent Cheryl James-Ward reduced the kids to a collection of groups.  And as groups, the children’s individuality was smothered under generalizations and racial, socioeconomic stereotypes.  Like a true Marxist, the main target was the successful, the successful who happen to be labeled Asians.  Asians are the Kulaks of Stalin’s fevered imagination in the fevered imagination of James-Ward.  Not enough D’s and F’s for Asians and too many for the oppressed, a problem to be corrected by bureaucratic intervention.  There you have it: the script for bringing one group down and artificially elevating other groups, all done to make the charts look good.  James-Ward would make for an excellent colleague of Orwell’s Winston Smith in the Ministry of Truth of “1984”.  The world of Oceania, though, is not to the liking of most people, Asian or otherwise.

San Dieguito UHSD Superintendent Cheryl James-Ward in a local tv interview on April 23. 2022.

She’s gone, fired by the school board, and so are 1.7 million from the Democrat voter registration rolls, and many Arizona parents who now have the financial heft to escape the Borg’s monopoly.  To borrow again from Lynyrd Skynyrd:

Oo-oo that smell
Can’t you smell that smell?
Oo-oo that smell
The smell of death’s around you

Bob Dylan got a whiff of the same smell and it drew him to the conclusion that the “The Times They Are A-Changin’”.

Lynyrd Skynyrd performing That Smell:



*AP story on the Democrat’s loss of 1.7 million voter registrations in the past year:

*The story of Sand Diequito School District’s firing of Supt. Cheryl James-Ward:

*The story of Arizona’s expanded school choice plan:

A Lawless Party

See the source image
Recalled San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin
See the source image
San Francisco poop map

Early morning Wednesday (6/8/22), a California man was arrested with weaponry and break-in tools to assault Justice Brett Kavanaugh in his home.  Surprised?

Tuesday (6/7/22), San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin was recalled (i.e., removed from office) by a vote of the people in the city.  Much of the city’s disorder, filth, and crime wave was attributed to him and his platform of “restorative justice” and “ending the carceral state”, which meant that he claimed the power to pick the laws that he was going to enforce and not enforce, and how.

What do these two incidents have in common?  Both of them are indications of the lawlessness of the Left and its institutional avatar, the Democratic Party.

Lawlessness doesn’t stop at Boudin or a failed assassin.  We’ve known for quite some time that public tirades by public figures purposefully instigate the unhinged.  They’re invitations to lawlessness.  Maxine Waters, Elizabeth Warren, Chuck Schumer, and others of the donkey party’s hierarchy have incited campaigns of intimidation of those who disagree with them.  No wonder that in 2017 a Bernie Sanders supporter, James T. Hodgkinson, marched onto an Alexandria, Va., baseball field and shot five Republican congressmen.  No wonder that Sarah Huckabee Sanders, Mitch McConnell, and Ted Cruz couldn’t enjoy a family meal at a DC area restaurant without facing a mob’s verbal fulminations.  No wonder that 2020 would be known as The Year of Living Dangerously when America’s urban centers were turned into stage sets for Escape from New York or Escape from Los Angeles (to continue the movie metaphor).  And Brett Kavanaugh was targeted by an assassin for daring to think that abortion is a matter for the states and not DC potentates.

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Nicholas John Roske (l) arrested for preparing to assault Justice Brett Kavanaugh in his home.

Ironically, and quite a hoot as well, it’s the Democrats who are blindly wedded to the idea of law as cure-all.  Think about it: have poverty, pass a law to spend money.  Have school problems, pass a law to spray more money their way.  Have “gun violence”, pass a law.  And problem solved, or so they think.  Though, it must be admitted, they’re great about spending money but not so great about enforcement.  So, we end up with inflation, bloated budgets, and a breakdown of civilization.

Take their response to the Uvalde shooting.  They trot out their prepackaged, 30-year-old talking points.  It’s chock full of the same gun bans, regulations, and onslaughts on business.  For them, it’s a simple matter of passing a law and then meeting after work for libations.  Their great for “universal background checks”, for instance, but violations of the existing checks are rarely prosecuted.  I suspect that it’s because either prosecutions would create more serious injustices – which says a lot about the inherent wisdom of the law – or a good chunk of the perps don’t fit the preferred profile: too many “people of color”, too few people without color.

A 2017 GAO report on the status of the federal government’s background check system found massive non-enforcement.  Of the 112,000 documented cases of prohibited buyers stopped by the system, only 12,700 were even investigated, and of that number, 12 were prosecuted.  Pass a law, spend money to set up the system, hire the personnel, and then don’t bring the miscreants to court.  Surely, there must be more than 12 of the 112,000 deserving of a date before a judge.

Law without enforcement is no law at all.  There exists a law that bans intimidation in the administration of justice, like what is happening on the sidewalks and streets outside the homes of six Supreme Court justices.  The use of anything but the law in the provision of justice is expressly banned in 18 U.S. Code, Section 1507.  Unlike most of the 1,000-plus-page gibberish that frequently emanates out of the Democratic caucus, this law is unmistakably clear:

“Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.”

For the constitutionally dense, 1507 is the statutory means to implement the Constitution’s equal protection and due process clauses.  Look them up.  Nowhere do public demonstrations have a role in their application.

Why does AG Garland refuse to enforce 1507? Simple, it’s politics.  The Dems demand a particular result in an abortion case before the Court and are willing to turn a blind eye to the law. In effect, 18 U.S. Code, Section 1507 just disappeared from the federal code.  It’s been relegated to the same purgatory where you’ll find many federal, state, and local provisions on rioting, public indecency, theft, burglary, assault and battery, sentencing guidelines and laws, etc., etc.  Garland and local DA’s like George Gascon and Chesa Boudin see themselves as mini-legislatures to make and unmake statute as they please.  It’s grotesque, and so are our streets and public spaces.

Lawlessness appears to be a key Democratic Party doctrine.

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*Read Kevin D. Williamson’s excellent piece on the federal background check system.

Here We Go Again: Demagoguing the Uvalde School Shooting

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A prayer circle at Robb Elementary in Uvalde, Tx., on the day of the shooting.

The Uvalde elementary school shooting has sparked another public discussion riddled with confusion, hyperbole, and banal talking points.  Frothing out of talk shows, the mouths of publicity hounds, and the speeches on the floors of Congress come the same stale rhetoric and empty gestures that will do absolutely nothing to stop sociopaths from shooting into crowds of adults or kids.  The problem is what it has always been: unhinged people looking for soft targets.

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First, the confusing rhetoric.  A favorite among demagogues seeking to exploit horrible incidences for partisan advantage is “weapons of war”.  They go right from the analogy of machine guns, real weapons of war, to the semi-auto rifles available for sale in a civilian gun store.  The guns in the store look like the kind used on the battlefield of Iraq and Afghanistan but aren’t.  They are as semi-auto, and not full auto, as my scoped semi-auto Remington 742 rifle.  The 742 looks like deer rifle in one’s imagination.

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Remington 742 Woodsmaster, semi-auto
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The so-called “weapon of war”: AR-15 in a gun store, semi-auto.

They both operate the same and the bullet exits the barrel at the same frequency.  So, the argument pivots on cosmetics.  That’s right, ban a gun for its appearance but watch the same gun appear later absent the looks (pistol grip, banana clip, and with a different stock). It’s ridiculous.  This is what happens when public policy is left to the firearm illiterate.

Next, the idea of red flag or stop orders that is being tossed around.  These orders allow DA’s and judges to confiscate guns for cause.  The problem with the idea is the great variability in implementation and enforcement.  A Texas DA is likely to be a far cry in implementation from Joe Biden’s Justice Department, San Francisco’s Chesa Boudin, or LA’s George Gascon.  In the former, a measured enforcement; in the other, the enticing opportunity to eradicate the Second Amendment.  We’ve all seen what the latter has done to the enforcement of immigration law and a host of crimes below rape and murder.  They execute the law as they wish.

A sensible middle ground might be an enhanced insta-check system, with updated, improved, and expanded criteria for denials.  But, as above, it is only as good as the people administering it.

The “weapons of war” nonsense does nothing to enhance understanding.  Red flag systems are ripe for abuse by the soapbox orator in the DA’s office.  Even the middle ground only applies to new gun purchases.  That leaves a big, huge gaping hole in the security of our kids: many of our schools are glaring soft targets, which means non-existent or too few good people with guns on the school grounds to stop bad people with guns.  If you want to protect the kids, immediately harden your soft targets with many good people with guns.  It’s the one thing that’ll make a difference.

No more soft targets, and leave the rest of the gun debate for another day.

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