The Insanity of Our Moment

Lack of action on climate change has sparked protests (Photo: Getty)
Climate extinction?

Obviously, Facebook, and probably much of the techie universe for that matter, is enthralled by hair-on-fire climate alarmism.  So much so that they put a “context warning” on a cartoon that was attached to one of my recent posts about the EV craziness sweeping the halls of power, a politicized professoriate, their young charges mobbing the public square, and the beautiful people in the culture. It’s crazy, just think about it.  I’ll explain.

Some people are braving the hostility of today’s unofficial (and official) Inquisition who, like Galileo, just stepped forward to say, “Wait a minute!”  There are voices out there other than the lefty Union of Concerned Scientists.  One such voice is the Cornwall Alliance (; there are others.  They raise some glaring questions that few if any denizens in big media newsrooms would know enough to ask.

Right off the bat, Cornwall and most others don’t deny the existence of man-caused (anthropogenic) climate change – i.e., global warming.  They assert, however, that the doom-mongering is not science.  One should never say “the science says”.  “Science” has no vocal cords.  It’s a method that comes close to “trust but verify”, or “where’s the beef”, or simply “prove it”.  Waiting for “science” to say something treats the whole endeavor as if it were a homogenized mass of one mind.  May as well put up a huge picture of Mao to represent all of China, er “science”, in one fell swoop.  People that wallow in “the science says” aren’t scientists and wouldn’t know which end of the telescope to use, or explain a hypothesis, or how to conduct a fitting test for one, the essence of science.  Thus, it’s easy for the scientifically illiterate to jump to doom.

Such stunted science-minds would never consider, or ask, the following:

* What is the nature of the warming?  Much of the available evidence indicates that the warming is concentrated in the upper latitudes and affects average daily low temperatures (mostly at night) and not the highs.

* What are the actual effects of the warming?  Are they all bad?  No, and on balance, they are likely to be positive.  Warmer global temps in the upper latitudes extends the growing season and expands the amount of the earth’s surface for agriculture.  The growing season starts earlier and ends later.  Plants love CO2.  Conversely, history shows that bad things happen with cooling (the Black Death, famine, for instance).

* What about droughts?  They come and go, and are sensitive to localized conditions, like cold/warm water currents.  El Nino is a result of warm ocean water; La Nina is born of cold.  Warm water warms the air above it and warmer air has more room for more water vapor for more rain.  The jet stream accommodates and sends it to one area and away from another.  One place is in drought, and another can’t handle the deluge.  The cycles are called “decadel” because they come and go every 7-12 years on average.  Welcome to nature, and not a soccer mom’s preference for an SUV.

* Are the scare stories of an avalanche of “extreme weather” accurate?  No, the evidence suggests that our current weather patterns haven’t varied from the historical record going back in time using tree rings and core samples.  If anything, they prove that climate, and its short-term equivalent, weather, varies around a mean, sometimes quite dramatically, and also that climate (long term weather patterns of at least 30 years) has never been steady-state.  The earth wobbles on its axis; the orbit slightly shifts; and solar radiation jumps up and down.  And we have always put in and taken out stuff since we ventured out of the cave.  Variation, like all of nature, is the chief characteristic of our weather and climate.

* Is the nation of Micronesia, or the Obama estate on Martha’s Vineyard, about to disappear in rising sea levels?  No, because we are talking about inches in the single digits covering centuries if not thousands of centuries.  It’s manageable.  Talk to the Dutch who’ve been dealing with holding back the North Sea for at least a half of a millennium or more.

So, why are our science semi-literates in power so gung-ho to ruin our lives?  Simple, for them, Chicken Little is a divine oracle.  The apocalypse is nigh. For them, we can’t adapt our way out of the doom.  For them, we must mitigate, and that means turning our lives upside down, declaring war on fossil fuels, and erecting the Soviet to oversee our wants and desires.

Actually, we can adapt, not mitigate, because their Chicken Little is essentially a witch doctor.  A sea wall can handle a few inches of rise in coastal waters protecting Obama’s mansion investment on Martha’s Vineyard and Oprah’s luxurious enclaves in Montecito (Santa Barbara) and Maui.  Receding ice sheets in the polar regions is more than compensated by more land open for farming and a longer growing season.  Feeding more people sounds good to me. More greenery from more CO2 has a tremendous upside.

This war on fossil fuels throws common sense out the window.  What do we gain (benefits) by handcuffing millions and billions of people to a crippled grid and treating the possession of an SUV as a war crime?  What are the costs?  The forced exchange of what works for what doesn’t will mean that more people will enter the ranks of the poor.  Pencil it out.  We’ll have less CO2 in the air and more filth and poverty on the ground.  It’s insane.

Yep, this is our moment of insanity.



* Additional YouTube presentations on green matters, the other side to the debate:

1. Michael Shellenberger, “Why renewables can’t save the planet”, at
2. “’What Percent Of Our Atmosphere Is CO2?’: Doug LaMalfa Stumps Entire Panel With Climate Questions”, Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-Ca.), 2023, at
3. Stephen Hayward, “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Global Warming”, 2014, at
4. A balanced assessment of EV’s: The Car Guys, “THE BIG EV LIE. Why They Won’t Save the Planet & All About Dirty Electricity”, 2021, at
5. Pete Buttigieg’s slick glibness.  Watch him skate around the immense problems associated with an EV life.  One key problem is generating the electricity to make it all work.  He talks about the grid but not about the sources for an immense expansion of the necessary generation of the electricity. “’Which Uses More Electricity…A Refrigerator When It’s Running Or Electric Car When It’s Charging?’”, in questioning of Buttigieg by Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky), 2023, at

* This is not a comprehensive list but is a sample of a robust debate that exists outside attempts in the media to quash it.  Real science cannot be suppressed.

